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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Well hung Mark............er, the rudder that is..................
  2. Glad to hear the went well (mostly) Danny. Looking forward to further updates.
  3. Lots of small steps is the way to go Kevin! Looking good.
  4. Mark, Have you tried cleaning with a wire brush in your favourite rotary tool? I find this the best way to get a clean bright finish on the brass prior to pickling in vinegar. I used this also on the refurbishment job I'm doing at the moment, and it worked really well.
  5. Glad to hear you're back on speaking terms! Changing your rigging line is one upgrade you will definitely not regret. It will save you a lot of heartache and your model will look better for it. I can't recommend Chuck's Syren line highly enough.
  6. Phill, Bad luck on the breakage - we've all been there. Take your time and sneak up on it. Sometimes it takes two or three "cycles" of soaking, bending, drying, to achieve the aim. When you've painted the cabin, just try to scrape off a little paint where you glue things. It doesn't have to be an exact science, but if you can get a wood to wood bond, it will be a lot stronger.
  7. Very nicely done Mark. You've got a very nice looking rear end!
  8. I think we've all experienced what you have just described, so don't feel bad. Take a break if you need to - the model will still be there waiting patiently for you to return (even if you CAN see it sneering at you!)
  9. Water and Heat are your friends when it comes to bending wood Phill. Everyone has their own preferred method for this, but mine is to soak the wood and the apply heat from an old steam iron. Sometimes, just soaking the wood and then clamping in place on the hull while it dries, is sufficient. Bend to shape and allow to dry BEFORE applying glue.
  10. Just think of it as getting to enjoy the process 3 or 4 times Robbyn - not nearly as frustrating that way. And remember, it's not a race and we're a pretty patient bunch of spectators.
  11. Sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly Jesse. Clearly though, you've had a cat scan! :P
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