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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. I've got this one in my stash too Brian, so I'll pull up a chair and follow along as well.
  2. Okay, got my seat in the front row! Great choice Bob, and with your planned additions/variations, I'm sure it will be something very special. I like your idea of using Holly for the lower hull, even with extra work that will cause.
  3. Great work Bob. I look forward to following your Granado build.
  4. Hi Thistle, What a great project to do with your grandson! Regarding your problem, I bought some aftermarket stuff from MACK products (http://www.mackproductsrc.com) to replace the kit supplied part. I obviously haven't used it yet, so can't comment on how good it is. If you haven't already found them, there is a very good RC forum (http://www.rcgroups.com) where you will find a number of build logs for this boat, some of them quite outstanding. Like MSW, they are a very friendly and helpful bunch. For anyone else following this build, I hope to re-commence work on this next weekend.
  5. Oh boy! Hey fellas, over here! Come and see! Druxey had a re-do!!! Seriously though Druxey, it's very re-assuring to know that even the Demi-gods have re-dos. Outstanding work all round, Sir.
  6. Nice to see you back at the bench Danny. Great looking hammock battens and gratings too.
  7. Nice work Alan. Not sure if you know already, but you can buy LoS in a gel form. It makes it very easy to use - one drop in a paint palette and a few drops of water is all it takes - and cleanup is also easy.
  8. It's all been said already. Just fabulous Glenn and such a treat to watch this come to life before our eyes.
  9. Lovely work Bob. It's a shame about the gaff with the gaff (pun intended) I'd go with "you're the Captain" in this case - rig the braces any way you like.
  10. Great work Antony. A really fascinating build.
  11. Well done Mark, the hard part is over - making the decision to re-do!
  12. Nice job on the planking Mobbsie. Th Holly waterline looks great!
  13. Looking terrific Bob. You must be starting to consider the next model?
  14. Nice, Mike! Ebony may be a pain for clean up, but nothing looks quite as good.
  15. Kevin, Do you have the Longridge book? It is quite a good reference for the belaying plan.
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