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Posts posted by Baker

  1. 16 hours ago, Roger Pellett said:

    What were these vehicles used for?  The large antenna looks like some sort of RDF unit.  Is this so?




    The frame antenna serves for long-distance communication (FU = Funk = "radio")

    It looks that a few of these vehicles were equipped with additional radios and the accompanying antenna during the war.


    Depending on the type of radio, this was for communication with the commander and / or airforce  support.


    The disadvantage of these large antennas was that they were very visible. 

    Later in the war, the frame antenna was replaced by a less visible "star" antenna. Because these vehicles became priority targets for the enemy (he who can not communicate with the headquarters can not ask for support or send information about the enemy).


    General info,



    Thanks for asking 

    And everyone thanks for the likes and to follow

  2. Does anyone know what "the white stuff" looks like when a wooden ship is in the water for a few months?

    Or better , could have looked..


    My idea was, painting with white or cream and thereafter weathering  with a wash of dilute green.


    Examples of what I have in mind.

    Since I only have experience with painting military models. I now have absolutely no idea whether this is correct or totally wrong.



  3. question :


    When I look at my pictures and books. Then I have to provide 2 holes for the anchor cables. 

    On most images the holes are quite large. And the round shape around it looks robust, sturdy 


    my solution : (4 bolts will be added later) 

    The view, as it is now, is not complete what I had in mind. I think I'm going to sand it a bit thinner

    Hase someone a better idea, or leave it as it is, or make thinner.



  4. 4 hours ago, G.L. said:




    Looks great!

    If I was You I would also treenail below the waterline, just for completeness. Looks me a nice job for a Sunday afternoon in a comfortable and heated hobby room like yours with some good music at the background.



    I am thinking about it. But, all that work is later almost invisible. 

    First must i decide how 'thick' the paint is going to be below the waterline.

    first i do "trail and error" on a test plank.



    Thanks for following and likes

  5. On 24-9-2017 at 6:27 PM, Roger Pellett said:

    Congratulations on a nice job!  The overall proportions resemble the Red Bay Galleon found in Canada so you got things right.


    Unless shown by your documentation, my personal preference would be to build the model without the high open railing around the poop deck.



    The high open railing has also been lowered.









    Index see post 1

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