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bruce d

NRG Member
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Everything posted by bruce d

  1. Hello Trond and welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing your Bounty grow. Bruce
  2. Me too. Message translates as: You do not have permission to download this file attachment.
  3. That deck looks good, it will be a nice looking model. GF says you can use the kitchen table? You're a winner. 😉
  4. Hello PTH and welcome to MSW. Looking forward to seeing the models your grandfather made. Bruce
  5. Dan, welcome to MSW. I am sure you will get some help with plans, what types are you interested in? Regards, Bruce
  6. Francis, Welcome to MSW, it is a great place. Regards, Bruce
  7. Thanks for this. Anyone with BBC iplayer access can download all ten episodes now. I will get my popcorn ready for the weekend.
  8. I haven't (yet) seen that feature on any plans. It will hopefully be explained one day, but for now it is another item on my 'watch out for ...' list.
  9. October 1688, Sir John Berry, the Elizabeth in the Hope. "... They are taking in their guns, stores and provisions. Currants and flour have been sent to make puddings, which he does not approve of in lieu of beef." So the carnivore vs vegan debate isn't new.
  10. This is also my question. Your rigging is superb. I hope you can tell us some of the secrets. 👍
  11. Just to add a bit more light on the subject, in 1746 the master of HMS Lys (1745), a 24-gun sixth-rate vessel, sent this request: "Captain Thomas Knowler, the Lys, Sheerness. Request to have grating tops made and as the hammocks are not sufficient to barracade the netting on each side, asks for bags filled with oakum." The source is a file in the The national archives UK ref ADM 106/1030/301 dated September 15 1746. Perhaps a ship of your size would have sufficient hammocks but clearly this smaller craft did not. HTH Bruce
  12. Hello Simon and a warm welcome to MSW. Looks like a good start, will be interested in how it develops.
  13. Hello Pat and a warm welcome from the UK. Glad to hear from someone from Texas in these difficult days, hope you share a build log with us. Bruce
  14. Bonjour Mic and welcome aboard MSW. I look forward to seeing what you choose.
  15. Hello Jas and welcome to MSW from the UK. As you have probably already seen, a lot of newcomers to this hobby are experienced in other types of modelmaking. You will find most of your head-scratching moments have already been addressed and solved by someone else. My only advice is: choose a subject that holds your interest and that you want to see sitting on a shelf in your home. Looking forward to seeing what you choose, enjoy it! Bruce
  16. B E, I really enjoyed this build. Your approach to the problems ( Problems? What problems? ) kinda puts my 1/48th CAFModel longboat build to shame. The display works well. good job.
  17. Hello Henry, can you narrow down the date a bit? Anything else you know will help to get the right craft. Bruce
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