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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. To create the curve and shape of the starboard sheer plank, I created a slight edge-bend for the part of the plank that wraps around the bow. It really is counter-intuative how this plank must bend towards the keel. The plank is then bent and twisted around the bow. The tip of the plank is cut at a slight angle and sanded on one side for a tight fit into the rabbet. After a satisfactory fit at the bow, the remaining curve of the sheer is created. Some additional fairing was needed at the bow and the rabbet scraped a bit deeper. Several rounds of dry heat were applied for bending and shaping. Hard Maple is nice to work with. It's very rigid and doesn't dent when clamped like basswood. A photo is shown of the second dry fit before the plank was glued. During the dry fit stage, I also add heat to "relax" the plank into shape. Steve
  2. Shaping the sheer planks is providing a large challenge. In the meantime, I've included a photo of the transom installation, which took place after the hull was faired. The extra strips will be removed after the first planks are installed. Additional fairing will be needed at that point. Steve
  3. Try applying some water to the dings with a wet quetip and let it air dry. That might help "heal" the wood. Steve
  4. That glue works great for me. Very strong and if you need to redo something, it is forgiving. Steve
  5. BE- regarding your sheer plank, did you form the curve of the sheer first or the edgebend for the bow? I was unclear from your earlier post on that success. Steve
  6. Thanks B.E.! I will not be creating an additional jig. I don't think I'll need it. Fairing is next. Steve
  7. Thanks guys! All the bulkheads are squared and braced with wood strips. This is absolutely necessary. The squaring process was more difficult with this one than with the longboat due to the amount of thin bulkheads. I'd say they're about 98% square. The filler pieces and transom have not been added yet. In the photo there is a 1/16" x 1/16" strip that will be used to shim the bulkheads where they meet the bearding line at the stern. Steve
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