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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. You're leaving an amazing legacy for Constitution builders with this log. What's your next project? Steve
  2. Joining late on this one. Nice job so far. What a learning experience. This is worth following even if just to collect tips and tricks from Dan. Steve
  3. Hi Karl, The planks bend fine with dry heat. The problem is they loose a bit of their curve after a little while. Also, the bends required for this boat and the longboat are pretty severe. Extra fairing was needed at the bow to get the planks to fit properly into the rabbet. I tried boiling water to see how it would affect the hard maple, but I didn't like what it did to the wood. Steve
  4. Two more planks installed. You can tell by the clamping methods that the struggle is real! I'm hoping the additional photos will be helpful to other Pinnace builders. I'm very tempted to sand, but I will wait until the hull is fully planked. After sanding, I will be collecting the hard maple sawdust to create the wood filler for any visible seams. Steve
  5. Your treenailing came out great. It will pop when you add the finish. Chuck did add this detail to his model. You can tell in his build log. Steve
  6. I really don't know. I would say test on some scrap strips but I don't know how accurate that test would be. If it were my ship I would sand it until it's very smooth and pretty consistent color. You might not need more stain. If you plan to finish it with Wipe on Poly, even that finish will make the colors in the wood pop darker. Steve
  7. Pre-stain prepares the wood to accept an even coat of stain, hopefully avoiding blotchy spots. I agree you should keep your expectations high. There's no reason to settle for anything less. Steve
  8. It's coming along, Rich. This one looks difficult to plank. I'm assuming you're not planning to paint if you're going for a second layer? Steve
  9. The planking looks good. As for the stain- just do some sanding and it should lighten it. Steve
  10. I had similar thinking on the decorative transom casting. I will be redesigning it as well. You're moving right along. Steve
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