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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. Two planks remain on each side of the hull. A rough sanding was done with 180 grit sandpaper. More sanding with progressively finer grits of sandpaper is needed later and filling. Even hard maple gets gets thin enough to become transparent! My planking still needs work. Steve
  2. I suggest sanding as smooth as possible first, then fill, then sand again. You can mix the sawdust from the basswood with white glue to create the filler. Mix the glue and sawdust until it's a paste consistency. Just a tip that has worked for me. Steve
  3. Ed, I for one am definitely appreciative of your writing style and greatly looking forward to how it all comes together in volume 3. Steve
  4. Thanks for the compliment, Ken. It's just a small clamp that came with a set I bought a while ago. Here's a link to a similar set. HyperTough 8-Piece Hobby Clamp Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AFHANF4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_QGCMzbV3GR569 Steve
  5. Gary, Regarding the size of this one v. Brig Syren- I have the same thought! As large as it is, it will still take up less space! Steve
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