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Everything posted by Tigersteve

  1. Well- I thought you didn't have enough work to do with it! Lol Hey- who knows, you might like the end result. Steve
  2. Nice experiment. Looks pretty good. What if you used more sawdust with white glue(no water) then sand with finer grit 220-320-400? Steve
  3. Another way to go about it would be to plank from the keel upward starting with the garbard streak. Maybe line off the hull and see how that looks. Sorry I haven't started mine yet to give you more insight, but planking upwards like I just mentioned worked for me with the longboat. I really have to start this thing! ;-) Steve
  4. Per- I hope you don't give up on this build. It's a well designed kit as we all know. Wonder why the QC is an issue on this one. Looks like you need a new set of plans and new plywood from Model Expo. Keep us posted on how they resolve this one for you. Steve
  5. I think you need to do some edge bending to get the bottom of those planks to lie on the bulkheads. I'm sure it's a beast to plank like the Longboat. Steve
  6. Hi Chuck, Are you going to update the monograph to include your rigging process? I think most people would find that very useful. Steve
  7. Wow, wow, and wow! Amazing, Mike! Almost done. What's the next project going to be after Cheerful? Steve
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