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Everything posted by zappto

  1. Very nice start of the build, i like the stand, it will keep ship still. I really like ship lines of that period of time. Will be watching your build.
  2. Your ship is very interesting, must be powerful to fight on the Trafalgar, what was the crew number? I like the wood color, reminds rosewood.
  3. Hight quality build, should be proud! Hope to see your next build soon!
  4. Having fun working on the second deck. I still need to check if all wire connection are in good shape, light is working, hope to do it soon. Made small hole to change diod when i goes down. Few photos of my work.
  5. Beautifull ship to look at! This is sad then work need to redo, it happens for me a lot of times, i am happy rigging is way a head for my build. What De bonder do you use? Does it work on Tidebond wood glue?
  6. This is smooth work there! I guess you are working every awake hour! You have done a lot work indeed, was real pleasure read your log, good luck!
  7. Working on the deck grating, i decided to use semi glossy varnish.
  8. I like color scheme, wonderfull ship painting and all build!
  9. Wonderful piece of art, i like the case. Does the glass case attached to the glass floor?
  10. Yes, i find out full windows set looks much better, found this on your ship log! Today placed first deck gun carriages which are under the second deck. I am still not sure if it is necessary to paint in red gun holes. Now working on the second deck planking. Few photos of my work.
  11. This is beautiful ship, i like planking, all is looking will be nice show piece!
  12. Thank you Scott, your build is looking really inspiring, i hope take some ideas of it, love your ship wood color! Now i am working on main deck electricity, will place two diodes for light. Few photos of my work.
  13. Work going straight forward, it is one of favourite ship for me, good luck!
  14. Working on the main deck, placed wood around visible bulwarks.
  15. This is fine wood model ship, i like dark color hull, nice finish!
  16. Was reading your log, it is one master piece, wish to have skill to make ship look so nice!
  17. Thank you Amateur, i will use that info, need to get that book. Working on the deck planking, decided to make planks with blackened sides.
  18. Hello, i was searching info of Friesland, found it is based on real ship which existed - Hohenzollern model which was of a dutch 17th century 2 decker. This is one photo i found of this ship model. I am still in search of photo real ship, which was destroyed on WWII.
  19. This is nice to see big lady come alive, it is pretty ship you make! What type off varnish do you use? it is glossy?
  20. Hi, your build is really inspiring, i like your solid work on detail!
  21. Thank you for likes! Having fun fittings gun ports, i think i will use stock gun ports for the main deck, they look not too bad, will paint them black later. I used wood filler for the hull, later sanded it all, it helps to make shape look nice! Work goes on.
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