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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. Doris, Masterful,and very impressive. I might have missed it what is your sculpting medium- wood, clay or something else. The details are fantastic at that scale.
  2. You probably getting fed up with me 1 more. I am really getting blank. When sources can influence or change the outcome of an election (Internationally I might add) we are all in trouble my last post probably getting to political. I apologize am getting a cocktail its 4pm somewhere
  3. I have to add a caveat (I can hear your groans now). All things pass I get that, all new is not necessarily good. I do embrace technology at times it simplifies our lives. It can also control us to the point of being harmful. Wikipedia and Facebook. People do not realize the danger they place themselves in. Yes its nice I can send pics to Granny of the children, or their 1st school day,or I am on vacation look at the pics I just posted. It is nice info sent immediately. I don't have to write a letter or pay for a stamp. People trawl the Facebook site looking for this info. Police, Private Investigators, Burglars, thieves, pedophiles. People open up their lives its not good and it is dangerous. As the shadow said what evil lurks in dark places.
  4. My 2 cents, I am also long in the tooth and enjoy a cup of coffee and paper in the morning 55 year old habit. Digital media does have its advantages ( if pages have not been omitted or changed ala Wicapedia) that being said you purchase an item today computer, washing machine yard item no more paper manuals, you have a link to download the manual to computer. By golly gee that's neat. Neat until your under washer machine and the pics on the phone was the wrong page and have to go back to the computer. I do get it the cost savings of omitting paper manuals I am sure is significant. All this doesn't mean a hoot when the Russians and Chinese finally hack everything and the manual you have online to repair a central heating unit turns out to be for a 1957 Ford Galaxie or a link to Hooters Girls. Sorry 3 cents worth. I am old, shortsighted, miss my XP, and my flip phone. I do Like my morning paper which shortly will be coming to an end.
  5. Dave, What drove to that to begin with when I mixed colors to obtain a color that you couldn't buy, and not saving in increments to recreate it I had to due several touch ups much later. Well lo and behold could not recreate color what I had had dried up so I thought what if. Now have saved mixed colors in addition to your hockey pucks, thanks for the like.
  6. I use the smallest drill bit I had that was a wee bit bigger than the holes, and slowly ream out the hole would rarely split a block unless I tried to hurry other than that always used the CA on the end. Had no patience with or for threaders.
  7. Another tip for the tip log thanks Dziad
  8. Dave, Ingenuity comes from genius or is it from genius comes ingenuity. Excellent problem solver that is copied and goes into my log of tips.
  9. Snow, That photo looks muted, like a matte compared to glossy. I agree yellow ochre. Good luck
  10. Blue 2, Sports academy has a pair similar to those stellar scissors, if I remember correctly 5 or 6 dollars. They stay sharp even when cutting wire in addition to line. The one advantage to the stellar scissors the larger rings may be a lot more comfortable for fat finger folks, and probably worth the price difference.
  11. Ed, I have been awed by your expertise and your magnificent build. What really impresses me is your metallurgy and use of jigs you have made, have learned a lot and will put to good use. Please tell me you did not solder hundreds of links to make your chain but you purchased it already made.(although it would not surprise me if you made it).
  12. Threw them in garbage, not worth time money effort.
  13. Nils, All I can say is the masterpiece continues. Superb craftsmanship.
  14. Pleasant surprise Thank You It is going to be one heck of a day will celebrate with Gusto:cheers:


    Thanks John

  15. Mark, First class. Carriages are primo. You need to quit making feel stupid. Blue tape on the gratings well kiss my grits twice when building I have had line, eyes, rings and etc, fall down into the middle deck to where tweezers could not retrieve So get the vacuum and recover fittings and waste scrap, also sucked up cannon balls and a couple of ladders. I feel like all 3 of the 3 Stooges after your last post voila I to have blue tape, never occurred to me to cover gratings.
  16. Richard, I like the tax idea. I sold several models in the mid 80s this list may help with what I ran into. E Bay if its exceptional and you post for a reasonable price it's OK but it is like a flea market and you compete with those (alleged) museum quality models constructed by Asian sweat shops. Etsy's site is more upscale in their presentation. its ok Upscale art shows is where you make the most but you have the time of setting up and cost. I see you live in Conn. Find that nautical shop that handles upscale consignments of unique and hand built items. Not the souvenir tourist shop. They take a cut and will look out for your merchandise. You probably will sell quicker keeping your glass cases. My 2 cents
  17. Jim, Amazing as always, tell the truth you have Shaun McGuillcuttys' little people in a back room churning these out. Every time you post I am impressed.
  18. The object is too make the most money with the least cost and effort. Tried to edit lost my like button
  19. Well Keith that would be a beauty reload and start the build, domestic and nursing duties will clear the head. Quick recovery to the wife.
  20. I think everyone is going to either laugh, barf or say its the stupidest thing they've heard. When I did the masts and yards on the Victory I used a Dremel sanding drum held the dowel in my hand and worked it back and forth at a medium speed, would check with my micrometer sliding and twisting it down the dowel to check the roundness and diameter and make sure I did not remove to much, when getting close I finished by hand first 2 were not pretty all the others after were spot on.
  21. Dee Dee Thanks for that one, as more info pops up with contacts and price goes down. Love this siite.
  22. I would thoroughly check customer reviews on both companies.
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