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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. Steve bought mine in 2013, 2 extra blades and ordered 2 fine tooth blades on-line. Works as good as when it was purchased. When I posted the saw way back it was met with a little disdain, and numerous suggestions of better saws available which were more expensive. Love it, will soon by there scroll saw, and mini table saw and combo belt and disc sander. which will leave me a lot of cash to purchase other materials. I can hear the groans now why these machines are cheap and aren't precise and etc. Fact is I am 70 will not be building scratch models of museum quality that take years to construct am happy with Harbor Freights cheap tools that serve my purpose and saves a lot of money. Would recommend everything they sell for people that do not have deep pockets. I am a Happy Camper.
  2. Doug, Looking forward to your results 250m $8 will go easier on the wallet.
  3. Bill, All of us I consider it the MSW crank Club all over 55 I hit 70 in a couple weeks, I got cranky when my bank called me when I turned 55 and said I am eligible for senior citizen silver checking, and when I entered a restaurant or store back then and they said your eligible for a seniors discount. I'd show my righteous indignation I'm not a senior I'll pay full price. Stayed cranky ever after but now I enjoy receiving those perks even 10 bucks off my 5th hair cut. I'll exempt you just do not look like you could ever be cranky.
  4. Bob, Well done Kudos. What does that commercial say it doesn't get any better than this.
  5. John, This is a very good site I have asked help for a problem many times and have always received the proper advice from a fellow modeler. Good bunch of folks even the old cranky ones.
  6. Rotten, Have plans can send them you copy and send back let me know John
  7. Pavel, Go to build logs model ships, in search type in Cutty Sark, if I have this right it will bring up members build logs which will help. You may be able to search under Billings Cutty Sark and may bring up just those logs
  8. RPaul, Curious I have no experience with BB boats but this was an expensive model I am surprised strips were not including in the kit, for the cost that would dissuade me from Billings unless that is a standard for them most comments here are positive about them. Would look better planked. Others here can give better advice than myself.
  9. Not being a wind sailor explain the offset prop and does the placement affect the rudder when not under sail? Remember you told me no question is stupid.
  10. Keith, Besides an indescribably awesome flawless build and the way you tackled all the complicated fabrication of the hardware in 2 years is amazing kudos a 10+ 2 buds for you
  11. SOS, I had some 2 year old couple of bottles half full hard as a rock. I being cheap started with a little water and drill bits small first drilling many holes at a slow speed than more water and graduated the bit size. It did work but took about 30 minutes. Maybe since then I inspect bottles about every month and if needed add a little water stir put back on the shelf. I not having deep pockets have saved a lot off paint.
  12. Nigel, Got in a little late, very nice build don't worry about the rigging it looks might fine. Sometimes we have to ad lib but in no way does it take away from your build. Kudos
  13. Jersey Linen fishing line is extremely reasonable and it seemed like a good alternative still cannot find anybody that has used it.
  14. Linen or cotton braided fishing line. Has anyone used the above in rigging, pretty cheap, limited in diameter but a rope walk would solve that.
  15. Patrick, Marvelous, what would really finish her off is a captain, crew, and some bikini clad ladies lounging on the stern deck. Well forget captain and crew but add the bathing beauties, as masterful as you are at small scale I know you could do this!!
  16. You had to be in sales in a previous life after adding that one.
  17. Dave, Something a little different, nice build reminds me in a way of my old 21 foot Thompson lapstrake. Looking forward to the end.
  18. Piet, Like others caught up late will be here to the end. Extraordinary life story, wonderful beginning of your log and historical facts. Makes the log and past come to life.
  19. Jud, New application for locked, cocked and loaded. Very good pic for ready ammunition.
  20. Don't know how I missed this build. Very, very nice, your sails are extremely well done and set off the model. Kudos
  21. Keith, It goes above and beyond any description. maybe the best word is PERFECT. Double Toddy
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