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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. So far, so good. The second sanding is done and I think the hull is about ready for the second layer of planking, after I fix a few minor issues. I just traced and resized the rudder, bulwarks and deck, so I have my templates made. I need to cut down the bulwarks, so I can finish the stern and attach the transom, and wales, before I add the second layer of planking.
  2. I’m going to make them from wood. This is just going to be mostly card, but it will also have brass wire, copper tape and some wood parts.
  3. Thank you very much, I’m learning as I go. I think that after I sand the hull smooth, I’m going to attach the wales and apply the second layer of planking, along with planking the inside of the bulwarks. Then I’ll apply the gunport and sweep port pattern and cut the bulwarks to shape.
  4. Making progress. I’m getting the technique for shaping and fitting the hull pieces down. Victory is sitting patiently in the background.
  5. Due to a minor issue resulting from the placement of my templates on the poster board and the page split of the plans in the book, I had to cut the deck pieces between bulkheads 1 and 2 and remove about 3/16”. I have the forward deck pieces and bulkheads permanently installed. As soon as they finish drying I will pull the aft deck pieces and double them.
  6. Thank you! Much appreciated! I’ve definitely been learning a lot with this project! I’ve answered all of my own questions about rescaling plans and transferring from the books, just by doing it.
  7. I doubled the forward deck pieces, which should remove the waviness. I will double the aft deck pieces after I install the forward frames permanently.
  8. It needs some (read a lot of) adjustments to bring everything into line, but I’ve made it to the initial dry fit point.
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