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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Agreed OC. Also you're able to sand 1mm walnut a great deal more than you think, so when you think you're done do it again. I got that from someone (can't remember who) on here on my 1st build. As ErnieL said it's a good job, and will look even better with more planking done😊👍
  2. Great painting, very interesting subject too, I've seen plenty of mutiny era Indian army but very rarely late Edwardian/George V era I would be interested to see more!!
  3. Eamonn I couldn't agree more, I think you'd do a fantastic job with Winnie😊 Ballahoo is coming along beautifully!!!
  4. Yes I don't know what I was thinking when I posted that.🤪 Realized my goof when you reposted. 😖 I'll get my coat😂
  5. Hello, after reading that you're going to kit bash to make Sparrow from the Richard Bolitho series I have got to watch. Hope you have fun getting there 😁
  6. Looks like another good model on the way Craig and I never realized the Israeli army used Shermans. The things you can learn with this forum 😁 I never played any of those but then I was stuck in the Napoleonic wars and the AWI which I preferred as you didn't need huge armies.
  7. Hi Kenna and welcome to MSW, good luck with whatever you decide to build and HAVE FUN😁
  8. Great work as always, I can't help but continue to be impressed with what you are doing with this build 😁😁👍
  9. Yes I'm looking forward to seeing the dio. It's a forerunner to the monster trucks!!, very nice model Craig
  10. The town of Iserlohn near Duisburg was mainly off white when I spent time there with my brother in law in the late 90's but in Hemer it was a dark salmon red.
  11. Hello again, I'm putting this on hold for a bit as I've started a different one, soon as I get a bit more done on it I'll do a log for it. Had a week off from the workroom and can't find the motivation for the Sherman's many small pieces at the moment. Cheers
  12. Looks good Jack, I would think the stucco would be a dirty white/ivory or a dirty cream/ magnolia colour as that seems to be the colouring that is most prolific in western Europe. Although as they are battle damaged a pale dirty grey would be good😊
  13. @jdbondy I shall refer to this when I get round to cutting my holly tree down in September
  14. WOW EG beautiful motor. Great job, and you've got the Admiral on side,😁 Now's the time to get the kit you always wanted 😏 Been a pleasure watching.
  15. I took that photo with a flash. Here, I used the same photos and adjusted the light in photo editor. Do these look any better? They look better Craig, great looking build😁 I was go to ask the same question.
  16. Thank you, hopefully I will be able to get some more materials next month. Still undecided about what wood to do Winchelsea with though.
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