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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Hello, after reading that you're going to kit bash to make Sparrow from the Richard Bolitho series I have got to watch. Hope you have fun getting there 😁
  2. Looks like another good model on the way Craig and I never realized the Israeli army used Shermans. The things you can learn with this forum 😁 I never played any of those but then I was stuck in the Napoleonic wars and the AWI which I preferred as you didn't need huge armies.
  3. Hi Kenna and welcome to MSW, good luck with whatever you decide to build and HAVE FUN😁
  4. Great work as always, I can't help but continue to be impressed with what you are doing with this build 😁😁👍
  5. Wont like that OC, hope you get everything sorted as fast as possible.
  6. Yes I'm looking forward to seeing the dio. It's a forerunner to the monster trucks!!, very nice model Craig
  7. The town of Iserlohn near Duisburg was mainly off white when I spent time there with my brother in law in the late 90's but in Hemer it was a dark salmon red.
  8. Hello again, I'm putting this on hold for a bit as I've started a different one, soon as I get a bit more done on it I'll do a log for it. Had a week off from the workroom and can't find the motivation for the Sherman's many small pieces at the moment. Cheers
  9. Looks good Jack, I would think the stucco would be a dirty white/ivory or a dirty cream/ magnolia colour as that seems to be the colouring that is most prolific in western Europe. Although as they are battle damaged a pale dirty grey would be good😊
  10. @jdbondy I shall refer to this when I get round to cutting my holly tree down in September
  11. WOW EG beautiful motor. Great job, and you've got the Admiral on side,😁 Now's the time to get the kit you always wanted 😏 Been a pleasure watching.
  12. I took that photo with a flash. Here, I used the same photos and adjusted the light in photo editor. Do these look any better? They look better Craig, great looking build😁 I was go to ask the same question.
  13. Thank you, hopefully I will be able to get some more materials next month. Still undecided about what wood to do Winchelsea with though.
  14. Amazing dio KP, can't wait to see the next one 😃
  15. 633 squadron flies again!!! looking good OC. 😁😁
  16. Thanks, I'll have a go at drying it out when I cut it down. The trunk is about 4 -5 inches round, 5ft tall and very straight. If I succeed I should have a decent amount of wood. I'll let you know how I do.
  17. Apologies if this has been covered before. I have an old oldish holly tree that I'm going to cut down, my question is how would I go about making the wood usable?
  18. welcome to MSW
  19. I personally don't think it was an insult! So no offence taken here either.
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