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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Thanks, I'll have a go at drying it out when I cut it down. The trunk is about 4 -5 inches round, 5ft tall and very straight. If I succeed I should have a decent amount of wood. I'll let you know how I do.
  2. Apologies if this has been covered before. I have an old oldish holly tree that I'm going to cut down, my question is how would I go about making the wood usable?
  3. I personally don't think it was an insult! So no offence taken here either.
  4. I think he means the edge of keel former that runs up the inside of the stern! You're doing a fine job so far, its looking good 😁
  5. Hello Kevin, I've just trawled through your log and you've done a beautiful job with her!(no pun intended). Can I ask where the diorama log is?
  6. Well I think you have done a great job on the tartan, I was torn between Stewart or Gordon with the yellow, I'll look forward to the drums and pipe major😏
  7. Nice job,😃👍 have you done them in any particular regiment?
  8. Welcome to MSW, fine looking boat you have there.😁
  9. Looking good, great progress. Your cutting of the gunports worked just perfectly 😊
  10. I somehow missed this one. I know it's too late now but I would have voted for the N. Africa camo😏. It's gonna look good swiss stylee😁
  11. Hmm you got me wanting to get a Tiger now🤔😋 although I do prefer the Tiger 1. I'm just going to have to peruse that Ebay thingy or Amazon now😏
  12. Good job so far. As Tony has mentioned above there are some excellent build logs of Sherbourne which is very similar to your model. They could help if you're thinking of going off piste.
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