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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. It makes sense, really. In a ramming situation, you wouldn't want your own shell plating peeling like a sardine tin.... Andy
  2. About bending your figures.... A small suggestion, try softening them with a quick (and I mean very quick) dip in boiling water. It should give you a little less then a minute of working time to adjust the shape of the figure before re-hardening as it cools. Andy
  3. I agree with BE. It looks great. Subdued, but striking at the same time. Well done. Andy
  4. Great little upgrades! She's going to look really sweet when you're done
  5. You got that right..... How I'm going to manage to pull it off is another matter altogether....
  6. It's not customs fees or duties, it's sales tax. Generally levied by the federal government, on items valued at $100 or more.
  7. **Hands Mobbsie a set of safety glasses and a dust mask** I'm more worried about sawdust....
  8. Maybe you need to add "Completed" to your build log title... Otherwise.. like the undead... this thing will just keep coming back.....
  9. Yay! I get the first seat... Can't wait to follow.... Of course this is going to make it even harder for me to hold back starting my own.... hrm......
  10. Well done! Some progress at long last, and she's starting to look like a ship. I guess that means you've had a good holiday. Andy
  11. As a fellow Canadian, the only thing I can suggest is just bite the bullet. You're going to find the prices charged by Canadian retailers will still be more than what you would pay (shipping included) from a US retailer. You will only get dinged for the GST at the door (5%) since the provinces do not have jurisdiction to charge import duties. Don't forget that a Canadian retailer will be obliged to have you pay full sales tax (GST + PST, or HST) AND you still have to pay to ship it from wherever in the country it's coming from. Model Expo does Canadians a favour, as they prepay the GST on your order, so you won't get hit again at the door. The biggest trick is to plan well ahead. Plan for everything you'll need (spare parts, replacement upgrades, tools etc.) so you can have everything shipped at once. Most retailers will charge a flat rate based on weight, so you can save there as well. Andy
  12. Another couple of thoughts... perhaps they were torpedo doors, and have since been plated over? Or maybe simply reinforcement for ramming? Andy
  13. A nice start. If I may make a suggestion for another option for your vent issue... You could try planking the whole roundhouse with a very thin veneer and re-drilling the holes where they're supposed to be. If you want to change them. I remember going through your old Pegasus log, and you did a marvelous job there as well. Looking forward to following your updates. Andy
  14. Or a pack of motor-mouths.... Augie, great to see your Syren made it to her new home safely. Congrats on final completion Andy
  15. So..... since the crowd has naturally fallen back to your SI build... I guess that means you have to resume work on her....and not the Mirage, no?
  16. So What you're saying is... you passed on your illness to your internet? I've heard of computer viruses... but this?
  17. You know...... there are easier ways to get time off
  18. As far as weathering is concerned, it's very personal and subjective choice. It all depends on what your preferences are, and what you are trying to achieve. What substance (powder? pastel?) is used in the weathering kit you bought? (If your not sure, just tell me the brand name and I'll be able to figure it out). Most model railway weathering kits are designed to replicate the dirt, dust, grime, grease and rust that accumulates on railcard and rolling stock. Using various paint washes and distressing techniques works better for wood weathering.
  19. Yeah.... like get rid of that pesky pneumonia thing....... (How are you feeling BTW?)
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