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Everything posted by ScottRC

  1. We are all here for you my friend. Take time, grieve, share if you want, we will be here to listen. Scott
  2. I'll be watching too. I got the old Entex version of this kit in my stash and I keep telling myself I'm going to build it. Does the bottom of the hull come pre-painted? Hmmm, Revell did the same think with a number of their large kits.
  3. I have a 1976 version made by Entex. There have been a number of revisions by different kit brands that I lost track of who released what and when from this tooling.
  4. Looks really nice, except it seemed to had wings added to it in one picture.
  5. Man Bob, you are doing a fantastic job. I'm on the main mast Jeers and lifts on my 1/96 Constitution build and to me its a tight working space, Thanks for the close up pictures, they are a help. Your working in a smaller scale yet make it look so easy, neat, and clean. Scott
  6. Hi Matti, See if you can find a copy of the Hornblower A&E episode called the Fireships. In it there is a segment where they are loading cattle by barging them out to the boat and using the same method as Chuck's model depicts. It also addressed cleaning, feeding, and the problem of watering large animals in such cramped conditions.
  7. Welcome Steven. You may be new to shipbuilding, but judging from your shop, tools, and the work your doing so far, your talented with wood and building things.
  8. Know exactly what you are saying here, been there, done that too many times.
  9. From my experience, I never had lift problems with the Tamiya tape. I have had lifting using blue 3M painters tape.
  10. Tamiya does sell Mr. Surfacer 1000 in a spray can and its great stuff. I cannot get Mr. Surfacer easily and prefer to use automotive spray primer from the auto store. It comes in light gray, dark gray, black, and white and both fine and heavy filling application. Never had any problems on styrene or resin.
  11. Good to hear from you as well Robbyn, I feel for what you are going through, had My father pass away a while back and trying to finish my 85 year old house. We gutted it as well. Still need to do the kitchen since, well, its takes a small fortune to redo one. Hope the smell of sawdust and fresh drywall keeps you longing to start back on the Syren. Scott
  12. I used a heat gun to bend mine after all the pieces were glued together but soaking in hot water might be safer. Your correct Phillip, you will need to put reinforcement strips under the seams.
  13. As far as the decks, I assembled them as on piece to fill the seams evenly and to set the correct deck camber, however, going this route calls for some planning and set up of the hull halves. It was not a problem to assemble the lower deck and hull halves at the same time, but had to leave the upper hull halves unglued so that the halves could flex enough to accept the upper deck. This was a problem for me since I tied all my lower guns up so I have to assemble the lower deck and hull all at once.
  14. I'll be following along with your build as well. Since I am in the process of building my second Revell kit. One kit was like yours, the 1976 version without sails and now a 1980 release with sails. The only problem with this kits is dealing with the deck seams.
  15. Great work Nenad, your research and patience is really paying off.
  16. Great progress. I too am also into rockets but never built the Saturn V. In regards to the outer hull planking, what size of strips did you plank the hull with?
  17. I number of us plastic builders use various types depending on where and what needs filling. For gaps and glue seams, I like the Testors putty to use as a filler along with thick CA and the stretched sprue. For filling low spots and rough areas, I like both Squadrons Green or White putty or Tamiya putty. I use the Spot Glaze after priming to fill in pre-coat imperfections. Spot Glaze has been safe on all the primers I have used where other putty brands have eaten or crazed certain primers.
  18. Ken, your rig is giving the model a wonderful sense of character. It indeed is a beautiful model.
  19. Bob, I think many of us who are interested in building this kit will use your build log as a practicum. Scott
  20. Turning out to be a very clean build. Nice work and the white stripe looks fine. Scott
  21. Thanks for posting this build. I am allways interesting in seeing builds of these old kits. I have two Marine kits in my stash. Great build, looks devine! Scott
  22. Chuck, I just joined this build wanted to thank you for sharing your thought process of developing a project. I have had a huge mental block when it comes to faring the bow and I will try your method of beveling the rabbet after the bow frame and filler is fared. I always went beserk trying to align the angles of two opposing planes of the rabbet and the bow filler. As for color, I liked a dull blue, then again, the cutter, its English is it not? So black would be more appropriate. Scott
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