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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Hi Rob, you are making some significant headway now; look forward to seeing those masts. WRT sails - filled or furled? if furled, perhaps a bit of a waste but you might still see the ends protruding; if filled, wouldn't you see them as the sail boltrops etc only were bent to the jackstay but would not have fully covered them? Your call though when it comes to such detail. cheers Pat
  2. Very impressive indeed noting the scale! looks great Patrick. cheers Pat
  3. These are good questions Eberhard, and I really don't know for sure; but, I think these were only stowed here/used in action or for ceremonial. Attached is the picture (crop) I used as reference. The photo was taken in late 1867 when the ship was the escort for the visit of Prince Alfred, and is shown dressed overall. cheers Pat
  4. Without evidence I think you are making some reasonable assumptions here Steven; well informed assumptions at that. Your progress and work is looking good. cheers Pat
  5. Very neat and good looking rigging Dave. What type of parral beads are you using; the one I used were not so nice and uniform in size and shape? cheers Pat
  6. Thanks for the comments and ideas guys; much appreciated. Carl, thanks - I am reasonably happy with them but practice will make better Dave, I had thought of that but once I decided to avoid the fold over I did not pursue the option. I will certainly try that on the 1:48 versions. Thanks Ed, only 22 this time as they were only shown stowed around the funnel. the crew allowance was for 140, but by the time you take out the senior sailors and officers etc it would have been closer to 100 crew. I have yet to establish their purpose there (except that is a great place to air and dry them over the stoke hole ventilation above the boilers. The only other purpose I can think of is some form of protection for the Captain and conning officer in battle? cheers Pat
  7. Beautiful work Daniel; your work is always a pleasure to view and gives me the inspiration to improve. cheers Pat
  8. Very nice work well up to your usual high standards Gaetan; as druxey says 'you make it look easy' but it is anything but. I have issues just straight sawing yet allowing trying to do a compound cut. cheers Pat
  9. Hi Patrick - I want one; just zap it with your 'expanda' gun and send it over to me please Looks great and nicely detailed. cheers Pat
  10. OC, what about a baseboard with a brass/iron wire frame then cover that with thick clear plastic (hardware shops stock this). The wire could be form as 2 x U shapes along the longer axis and inserted into holes in the baseboard.. Alternate is to use wood dowel or square section rounded where it is inserted into the baseboard, then glue the cellophane/plastic (such as that used in shirt boxes etc) onto the wood. You could stain the wood dowel the same as the baseboard? cheers Pat
  11. Doing better than me mate; I wouldn't even know where to start with these sorts of colours cheers Pat
  12. Hi all, another small update, I am being slowed with research at the moment but finding a little time to do a few small things such as making the hammocks for stowing around the funnel as shown in the photo. I posted a photo of the railings earlier; these are only 11mm high with the hammocks 22mm. I did these by rolling some washed drafting linen around a styrene rod (.8mm) then cutting them into lengths before attaching the marline hitch lashings. The rolled linen was soaked with a diluted fabric glue (water) solution and I originally had intentions of removing the rod. However, even with the stiffening from the solution it proved to keep these straight enough as shown in the photo so I left the rods in-situ. I have just noted i need to tidy up some of the rod end (to hide them a bit better). I also did try to add the clews and ring that would have been folded inwards (as shown below) but simply could not achieve it with my clclumsy fingers at this scale 🙂 As these faced in towards the funnel they would not have been seen anyway (well that is my poor excuse. cheers Pat
  13. Stunning - very crisp and beautifully detailed work Amalio. cheers Pat
  14. Very nice work Greg; you have really mastered the pre-shading etc which looks absolutely fabulous. cheers Pat
  15. That detail looks great Greg, you've done a excellent job on those guns. There is no harm in covering the boats with canvas, that is how they would have been at sea unless being used anyway cheers Pat
  16. Very nice effect Tecko, you're on the finishing stretch now despite the daunting task of painting cheers Pat
  17. An interesting and enjoyable build to follow Dan; you can be justifiably proud of your efforts - she looks great! cheers Pat
  18. If it helps there are a couple of Mermaid build logs that may assist directly, or the builder may be able to help. Examples: and cheers Pat
  19. Agree with Michael, this will be an interesting subject and build. Very fortunate you were able to get a thoroughly researched set of plans and info. cheers Pat
  20. She is looking the part of that 'luxury' yacht now Patrick. Nice details. cheers Pat
  21. Thanks for the head's up Steven. I can't say it is readily available these days but I have a little bit tucked away. look forward to seeing the restoration of your Royal Harry. cheers Pat
  22. Great to see you back at it Mark. You seem to have that 'death star' sorted now, that sheet looks very nicely cut. cheers Pat
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