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Snug Harbor Johnny

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Everything posted by Snug Harbor Johnny

  1.    'Ever complete the Grand Prix car?  I have the kit and intend to have a go at it eventually.  I did build the Hurdy Gurdy and to make it work half good, there had to be MAJOR modifications,  Wood-on-wood 'moving' faces were sealed with model airplane dope and sanded smooth with super-fine sandpaper.  Then there could be a little PTFE model train lube added to reduce friction and noise.


      Some of the journals had mini ball bearings installed (these were large enough to do that, but the car project is too small).  I thinned the soundboard on places, enlarged the sound chamber and installed spring returns for the keys.  With real instrument strings used its not half bad but ... I had fun doing it, staining the outside and varnishing.  Looks wonderful.


      So when I do the car its going to have to be done with enough care to make it operable (some builders have had troubles).     Johnny

    1. Don Quixote

      Don Quixote

      Nope. The Admiral insisted on parking her car in MY man cave! Rude, right? No priorities. Sold a 69 GTO and gave away the lift used for the off chases restore. JUST finished today moving my model workshop to a spare bedroom. 10'X10'. I was just getting ready to post pics in the "What have you done today" topic.


      Lost too many parts in the move including major parts to my serving machine made by <SP?> Alexa Dominnov. I had version 2.5 and He's now at version 4 so I didn't mind getting a new one.


      I did these a few years ago. They both work but the truck was supposed to have dualies and I just couldn't get the second set on.


      Thanks for asking, though:)



    2. Snug Harbor Johnny

      Snug Harbor Johnny

        Admirals ... gotta love 'em !   Fair sailing, mate.   Johnny

  2. Ahoy mates ! (there's been a long hiatus on this build) After thinking a lot (yea - the Admiral said, "You've been thinking? I thought I smelled wood burning.") I've finally decided where I want to go with it. First off, a review of whats was 'wrong' with the first-issue Billings kit (actually a lack of all the information we have now following decades of recovery and restoration) that are likely not correctible. Billings is a good company and they have improve kits where needed. Which this old version, the lines are off, gun port placement off, the plank scale much too large, the cannons approximate but all of the same type, deck layout conjectural ... I'll stop there. So why go to great lengths to try and make masting/rigging kosher when the hull (with some corrections) will still be 'standoff scale' ? That is - something that will be recognized as the Wasa at first glance - but still not up to snuff when closely compared to the prototype in Sweden. Another option would be to be liberal with the masting/rigging (shortcuts and approximations, I mean) ... to go with the hull. There is a lot of work already invested in the hull, and it doesn't look half bad as is. Hmmm, but I'm taking option 3, which is to install the first section of masts and adding shrouds/ratlines like one can see on exhibit at the Wasa museum. This would represent the ship still under construction. I note that she was never under 'full sail' - just three on her disastrous 'maiden voyage'. To keep dust to a minimum, a display case has been recommended - plexiglass to lessen the risk of breaking window glass, so therefore the case size will bess daunting as well as more portable - so a greater chance that a relative might want to have it when I'm gone. I've always been a 'hammer and chisel' guy, and a jack of all trades - many projects (an outside deck, two kitchens plus several bathrooms over the years, a greenhouse, three scratch-built telescopes, sundry models, historic costumes, three harpsichords, bookbinding, candle making, several muzzle loaders - to name a few) have been useable, but the quality of work far less than 'craftsman' level. No worries mate, I only have to please myself - and its the 'doing' (and preceding that the 'thinking out' stage) that is the interesting part - dare I say 'fun'? The picture below shows a gun taken from an old Steingraeber 'Fair American' kit (harvested for parts, etc. since there are better more recent kits available) and the gun looks a little 'fat' for the carriage. On the right is the gun from the Billing accessory kit (for the 1:100 scale model), where the barrel seems alright for my purposes - but the carriage is simple and would need more work to upgrade. So it hit me that I might put the Wasa gun on the better carriage and - shazam - look OK to me. Now I'll have to tweak things a bit, add straps over the trunnions, wedge and whatnot - then change some of the gun port heights and they'll be serviceable. Below are more of the guns to be seen on the weather deck. Now to some more 'surgery' on the hull. It was with great trepidation that I sawed across the stern piece (glued-on many years ago). I feared that the applied 'plastic wood' (pressed by a mold I made of the stern decoration) might come off, but it seems to have enough 'grab' to be stable. Remember, all this gets painted in polychrome like the original. I cut the glue around the periphery with an X-acto, then pried with a flat chisel from the top and ... POP ... off came the piece, revealing some balsa underneath put in as a spacer. Thank goodness that balsa has far less strength than hardwoods. I have to make the high stern decks into 3 tiers, rather than the two that were on the model. Using a flex-shaft variable speed tool was very helpful in a number of areas. The only thing better would be an old-fashioned dental drill with right angle head. Below is the piece I removed, and it is a close enough approximation of the upper part of the stern decoration. Note that the old kit did not have ANY of the many sculpture carved on the original ship ... so the later kits are a real advantage to any modeler. To change the forecastle area of the ship, false ribs were cut from mahogany stock and glued into place (titebond), before additional planking was added to get the height desired. I believe the original was designed to have a forecastle deck, but after unreasonable design changes were demanded from authorities many at the build site knew there would be stability problems - what, with 30 added feet of length and an additional gun deck! So instead of adding the weight of framing and decking (plus additional armaments), the builders left that area open. Look at pictures from before, during and after 1628 and you will see forecastle decks everywhere. The absence of one (confirmed by the restoration of the original) shows the Wasa to be an exception to the 'norm'. I'll offer a view of part of my work area - disheveled as it is - to show some of the tools I use most often. You can see the flex-shat rotary tool (yup, Harbor Freight) that is better than a stock Dremel due to the foot operated speed control. I also have (not shown) the mini saw (another cheapie) for trimming stock. I think a better mini table saw will be a better investment. I use a model railroading 'track cutter' (so-called 'snap' saw) for cutting off. Needle files of various shapes (including bent 'riffler' files) are invaluable, as is the 'good old' X-acto knife. Straight edge, pencils, titebond glue (aliphatic resin) augmented sometimes by fast cure epoxy (I have yet to make use of CA, but will try some in future) mini-clamps and, of course, sandpaper of various grits round-out the tool kit. When I have more to show, I'll add progress pics. Fair sailing! Johnny
  3. Without enough vitamin C, survey among the crew was a problem until the British navy took up the suggestion for the mandatory consumption of limes ... hence the term Limie (alt. Lyme).
  4. I'll apologize in advance, but I wonder if anyone in the forum has ever tried putting sandpaper on a vibrator to fair planking ... just a crazy idea. I mean, it could do well for the inside curves below the stern, but I'm not sure whether I dare ask the Admiral if she has one handy.
  5. I recall reading that Scott pressured Schakleton to promise not to use Scotts abandoned shelter prior to Schakleton's attempt to be the first to the Southern Pole. The time spent unsuccessfully looking for a landing meant that Scotts works were used anyway, but not enough depots could be laid before winter set in (if I recall correctly). The promise should have been 'qualified' (safety of the crew first, you know), and if Shackleton had occupied the abandoned works sooner, he may well have laid the depots needed to be first to the pole. Hmmmm, dogs would have helped a lot regardless, but one may recall the 'mindset' of dong it by human effort alone. Amundson was a better planner and a more practical man.
  6. Ahoy Rob ! With your project there's been a lot of work done already - and the Billings kit (although not the current one) is definitely an improvement over the 'original' version issued in the late 60s ... the one whose hull I built back then and recently have re-started the work in light of present-day knowledge. I'll soon be adding a couple of images to my build dealing with corrective issues - such as they are. The lines on your version are much better, and the fittings in the box are more extensive. As far as the gun ports are concerned, somehow I had the vision as a 14-year old to cut the ports in the planking before any decking was installed - then I glued pieces of 'false decking' on the inside of the hull below the holes. Dummy carriages were made of balsa and dowel pieces (with one end drilled to accept the half cannons) representing the back end of the canon were glued in the dummy carriages. Balsa strips were glued around the inside of the square holes in the planking and tinted brown. The effect is pleasing seen from the outside. Fair sailing! Johnny
  7. Hey Rob, when done with the Glory (and a glorious project she is) - how 'bout trying a bigger clipper ... the Preussen (1902) with 5 masts and a hull over over 430 feet and more than a 50 foot beam. 😉 Today is a 'red letter' day for my Wasa project (dormant since March of last year). So many things have been done on the Admiral's 'honey do' list (and Winter precludes anything outside), so I just 'up and started'. Now there was much to think about in the intervening months, and think/research I did. I concluded that there was so many inaccuracies in the late 60s 1:100 Billings kit partially done (due to far less being KNOWN then), a 'standoff scale' approach is appropriate without worrying too much about what is off from the prototype - and there is much I can do to correct some key things. I'll focus on the hull appearance and just put in the first sections of masts (like in the museum) to represent her still under construction. After all, she didn't get very far with only three sails set before sinking on her maiden voyage. Wood is a fairly forgiving medium, and all I had to do was start cutting and gluing in a logical order to start making more corrections. The 'Harbor Fright' mini table saw was acceptable (although there is no fence - so a clamped piece of wood had to do) once I installed a much higher tooth-count and thinner blade I was able to find with a 1/2" arbor hole (not easily located). Discovering that the arbor threads were reversed helped - 'leftie loosie' did not work, it turned out to be righty loosie! Slow and steady she goes. Johnny
  8. Incidentally, Marx 'scale tinplate' has S gauge bodies on O gauge trucks. This is why some S scale train operators drill out the trucks of Marx rolling stock and replace them with S scale trucks. Great idea for figures, and I found a hobby store with 'old' stock figures in several sizes ... such stores are still 'here and there' but growing fewer as the years pass. 'Just viewed 'Master and Commander' again on cable streaming ... good to see once in a while. Now there was a flogging in the film (not uncommon in the British Navy back in the day), and I wonder if anyone put figures on a sailing ship model representing such a punishment witnessed by the crew (standard procedure).
  9. Ahoy Bruma ! I'm not finding the furled sail pictures I recall seeing, but did see another forum-posted approach by Lubber that could be made a little less 'bunchy' by using a narrower strip (from side to side). So I 'Googled' "furled sails" and found a few shots for educational purposes - The first one has the 'compactness' that I've seen a number of times. Note that these are photographs of ships versus artist's pictures - there are many examples of contemporary and 'period' (typically engraved) representations of all sorts of sails in all weather. The photos also show several appearances : The first is once and compact, yet the second has a 'festooned' appearance (perhaps for show) where the sail cloth looks like bunting across a stage (the origin of bunt lines?). Another shows more prominent hanging 'ears', and there are a couple of old shots of men working the yard ... the one at sea in sort-of rough conditions makes one think how challenging life at sea under sail can be.
  10. 'Really like your brass work ... my thoughts were that brass might need soldering, but glueing seems to work fine ! I take it that you used CA glue? Perhaps the railing through the stanchions might look better with brass wire opposed to the rigging rope. I'm favoring the use of brass anywhere on most ship models, since brass will form a natural brown patina over time all on its own ... and it looks sharp besides. The view from above over the life boats is way cool, and I'll continue to pay close attention to both current Endurance builds for tips and ideas to use when I get to mine. Thanks mate! Johnny
  11. There was one clip I saw where a credible ship's wall was built for a naval gun test with solid shot, and there were quite a few splinters and shard sent flying. Any round hitting a gun or carriage would disable that piece.
  12. Old planes not fit for 'restoration' can be had at reasonable prices on the U.S. east coast at antiques marts ... Southeastern PA has many in an arc well-away from Philadelphia. Useable boxwood for model ship work can be cut from these plane bodies. Nes pas?
  13. Grommet lines added. The view is angled more to the top of the yard. When viewed straight-on from the front, the blue tape (yard) is seen - but there are no raw edges of sail since it is accordion-folded. The lines are just some waxed linen awl cord lying around - not rope at all, which I intend to make myself. As mentioned, this was just an experiment to see how something like this might work - and I think it should with fine cloth, and look presentable on a ship represented as docked. With un-done grommet, the sheets pull the ears down and the sail unfurls (although the paper retains creases). Actual sails in real life behave much better.
  14. OK, I'll try to add the next picture. NOTE: didn't load again, but it has 5.3 mega byte, and the others are less. 'Took a break to open Photoshop and crop the image to try and reduce the file size. Let's see ... YES ! Since I reduced the mb of the image, I didn't get the "upload fail" message I had before. Some have commented on this forum that they were failing to get pictures uploaded to posts, with a message of a 'server error' (200) ... I think I've found out that there may be a practical size limit to the picture one tries to post. The picture below has the yard flipped right-side-up again as to viewed from the front - and the gathers were restored on the previous fold lines, and the furled sail is ready to lie on the yard and have the 'ears' descending in front. The next picture has the grommet lines added.
  15. 'Saw an interesting post a while back on folding a strip of thin cloth to represent a furled sail on a clipper ship yard - to reduce the bulk that results from trying to fold-up a full sail, since just about any fabric is way out of scale at 1:96. 'Mouse ear' (or dog ear) pieces were added to attach clew and sheet lines - these are the bottom corners of the sail that hang below the furled sail near the yard ends. Yet another post had a side-view diagram to show how bunt lines drew the bottom edge up the front of the sail, then crewmen standing on the foot ropes would gather some of the sail and pull it up over the yard (leaning forward to pinch the gather to the yard with the waist), then gather more sail to make pleats on the top of the yard. There were links to present-day clippers with furled sails appearing rather compact and neat. A length of line (grommet) is spiraled around the furled sail to keep it in place. Another source indicated that when sails are set, the grommet line is coiled and hung as convenient on the mast or trestle ... so ships modeled with set sails might include a few coils in those places. The sheets are hauled and they pull on the 'ears' to make the entire sail flop down and open up (the clew lines having been made loose to allow this). 'Kept thinking on a procedure to furl the sails from the start - and how to replicate it on a model - so I fooled around with paper taped to a brass tube (simulated yard and clipper split topsail) in 'origami fashion'. I finally got a reasonable facsimile that pleat-folded over the yard and had the actual corners of the sail just hanging down over the yard as I've seen in some pictures. (I saw another contemporary picture where they were done a little differently.) Tugging on the ears does indeed make the sail unfold, so I thought there must be a way of reducing the bulk without resorting to adding separate 'ear pieces'. Cutting out a trapezoid along a fold line seemed to do the trick. There are several modeling advantages to having furled sails. First, the jackstays are covered over - so one does not have to make them at all - which is rather fussy in 1:96 scale. The blocks for the buntlines are also covered ... so one can even omit the lines as well since the blocks are not seen (and so omitted entirely), and there will not be such a 'jungle' of lines going down to the pin rails. Ditto for luff lines. No short reefing ropes are needed since (if they were on the sail) they would be folded up inside the furled sail. The rope sewn around the edge of the sail will only be seen on the 'ears', so only has to be put on at the corners. Also, clipper sails are bent to the jackstays (not the yard), and since the jackstay is covered by the furled sail - one need not bend the sail at all to the non-existent jackstay. One WILL show the clews and sheets, plus lifts and braces - which will provide plenty of lines and blocks to properly mount on the model. Now I did take a few photos (one picture is worth a thousand words) to show this 'proof of concept'. The first one shows the paper sail taped (bent) to the yard (tubing) with blue tape. The lower corners of the sail are 'curling up' some, as the paper had been furled and unfurled a number of times. Also, the above mentioned trapezoid of paper that had been cut out to reduce bulk is positioned in its original place ... When doing the model, I have some VERY fine silk (also fine linen) that will be used for the furled sails. The next picture shows the trapezoid moved out of place. The shot below represents the corners of the sail pulled up by the clew lines OK, the next pic has the yard flipped over and inverted (as if one was leaning over the yard from above) ... Remember that originally the entire piece of paper representing the sail was pulled up from the bottom (which the bunt lines would have done), and a couple of gathers were done - folding each one (creasing the paper). Then the corners were re-positioned outward a bit, which changed the folds on the paper - but did not compromise the 'sail' at all and no cuts were required. There are a couple of pencil marks where the folds changed, and I have yet to re-fold the final gathers. (Hmmm, photo limit reached, so I'll have to 'submit', then continue.
  16. From the 'kinking' seen on the right side rope, it must be wire rope. My guess it that they pulled the rope through the stanchions as far as the space where the anchor goes over the cathead. 'Can't imagine them trying to pass the anchor under the rope. I'm almost certain that I saw another picture en route to the arctic where that section had been altered so that a piece of regular rope went between those particular stanchions (clipping on an 'eye' on the wire rope, the eye preventing the wire rope from passing back through the hole in the stanchion) - which is how I'd have ordered it modified ... but I can't lay hands on that picture right now.
  17. The build log for Glory of the Seas (a long log indeed) has a section on a cool way to use copper tape - first passing it through a embossing process using an old-fashioned clothes wringer. Rob's log of Great Republic also goes into this method. Wringers may still be marked to the Amish.
  18. Jason, Hull considerations aside, the care in rigging is what can show a model to its best - so the books on rigging suggested elsewhere in the forum will take precedence over the simplified version found in the kit's instructions. Once again, Bruma shows so many details in this area - and using real deadeyes, rope shrouds and ratlines are a standout. I've pondered how to do this on the gunwales molded on the bulwarks ... possibly drilling small holes for the wire wrapped around the lower deadeye to pass through and continue downward as the chainplate. Small notches would be made in the largest rub strake (could be filled afterwards) with an eye formed at the end of the wire to fasten through the hull with a tiny brass pin (predrilled hole). Of course, there may be a way to use the kit deadeyes but add rope shrouds instead of the provided plastic ones. The Cutty Sark has metal plating as the upper part of the bulwark, versus the wood of Thermopylae. Cuttl Sark also has a second proud strake below the gunwale (painted white) that is not present on Thermopylae. I'm considering dremeling off that bit and abrading the rivets (but keeping the port indications as-is), then using an engraver (or fine awl) to make plank lines and perhaps an indication of wood grain. Since the hull is painted it should look OK and be closer to the original. On the inside of the bulwark there are triangular bits down the sides that could be removed. A wood 'waterway' plank can go at the bottom so it will stand slightly higher than the wood deck to be applied. CA or epoxy will bond wood to plastic. Checking out the build of the Glory of the Seas talks about waterways (and a lot of other things as well). So here's my 'rabbit hole' - The molded gunwale is a tad narrow for the above mentioned hole-drilling, so it could be abraded off, the inside of the bulwark planked with thin strips (CA or epoxy). Vertical wood ribs would go next (wood glue for wood-to-wood), only part way up where any pin rail will go. I'd fashion wood pin rails (pre-drilling for whatever brass (possibly wood) belaying pins acquired and gluing to the bulwark, then add whatever ribbing to go up to where a new wider wood gunwale will mount. The area at the bow and stern where the railings go do not have gunwale on the hull, because the provided gunwale sections in those areas have stanchions for rope or wire railings. These could be used as-is. I suppose wood gunwales could be put there and 3-D brass stanchion used (Cornwall Boats is one source) ... All this would be quite a modification for a first ship, and using the provided pin rails and railings is certainly a less daunting way to go - also much less time consuming. You'll be spending time doing rigging to whatever level of detail you care to get into. I'm involved in a lot of things in what is turning out to be a 'working retirement' ... too many hours at the hospital as a Pharmacy Technician, teaching one night course and also a teachers aide at another night course, home improvements/maintenance, doing most of the shopping/cooking/cleaning to help the Admiral - who makes goods to sell on ETSY with me as shipper and bookkeeper, and managing some rescue parrots. Somehow there may be a little time here and there for model ship work - my build of an old Billings Wasa has been suspended for a while, but I now know where I want to go with it (masts only up to where they are at the museum in Stockholm, as if it were under construction). I also completed a build of the U.S.S. Arizona from a Metal Earth kit (tiny, but with a fair amount of detail). Both are on the forum. Johnny
  19. Ahoy, Jason. I also have an old Thermopylae kit (late 1950s, so the parts are pretty clean from fairly new molds) in store for building when current projects are done. Bruma's techniques and 'busts' are great - like reinforcing the bowsprit internally to avoid bending when rigged, and replacing the dolphin striker and the 'whiskers' on the catheads with stiff metal wire (can be found in some hobby stores) - as thin plastic is sooooo prone to accidental breakage. Since I've never been all that happy with plastic thats been painted wood color, there is a thin laser inscribed wooden deck made for this model (as well as the Cutty Sark) ... I found them on Ebay from an Eastern European source and obtained the one for the Thermie. Also obtained is a small photo etch sheet having the name to go across the stern (plus a couple other things), as the decal would be sure to 'crumble' if used. Some claim to have used a decal 'restoring' product - but the technique may be tricky. Altering the bow curvature to an "Aberdeen" shape won't be hard, but any changes to the angle of the stern involve a lot of complications. Same goes for altering the quarterdeck further forward to where it was on the original. As-is, the adaptations of the Cutty kit into one for Thermopylae was a 'reasonable' compromise by Revell - the rear cabin is about right and the deadeyes are mounted on top of the gunwale (as opposed to inside the gunwale on the Cutty) with approximate exterior chainplate. There is an option for barque rigging as she was for the five years of timber trade in the Northwest ... and I'm considering going that way. Adding thin layers of white until just a hint of the green shows beneath might simulate the weathered paint job she had before being sold abroad. Yet she looks best in the green of her prime. Neither kit has booms for studding sails, but this is not an issue for me since sources indicate the discarding of that tackle once steamers taking the Suez canal meant that maximum speed was not essential for clippers. Rather, crews could be cut to keep them cost-competitive for bulk cargoes like Australian wool. I'm not planning on sails either - unless represented as furled using narrow pieces of material to prevent 'bunching'. There are a lot of possibilities to choose from, mate. Fair sailing ! Johnny
  20. I sometimes find old kits or partial kits at a flea market - sometimes at a train show/hobby show that is not super-strict on dealer/member 'swap table' items. One incomplete kit I inherited (yes, check-out estate sales) has a dozen canon on pretty good trucks, but the cannon don't suit what I'm working on. What I'm working on has lousy trucks for great looking guns, and when I popped a barrel off one of the better trucks and installed the gun barrel of my project - the result was a big improvement. (Note that there are half-barrels protruding from lower gun ports on my model, which is why everything should match.) Other orphan kits can have better blocks and fittings - also the nicest planking I've found in some of the old kits. Sometimes nice rope - often times, not. I've found pretty good ship's boats in various scales in old kits - some good as-is and others can be enhanced with a little creativity. Other finds include gratings, ladders or ladder components, deck eyes, hooks, tiny nails in steel or brass. Then again, one may find an old ship model in sad shape that has good salvage fittings and stuff ... unless one wants to revive and improve a perfectly good hull with better fittings and rigging. It's all up to you.
  21. Bravo Clearway - I've managed to find the stern photo in dry dock you mentioned ... Yup, a 2 bladed prop - and there is nice detail on how the rudder was hinged. It does look like there are metal plates on the periphery of the rudder going down to the level off the prop. There's no indication on what material was used (same with that on the leading edge of the keel), but perhaps it might have been painted steel - which would hold-up better than copper for the presumed purpose of reducing ice damage to the wood at those locations ... just a guess. The photo has excellent detail for the steering mechanism, and chain is wrapped around the horizontal drum. There is other good stuff, like the relative planking width (among other tidbits). Too bad there isn't ONE source or reference having all the known photos of Endurance together. There are a lot of old photos that have been the 'public domain' for some time - yet many museums, institutions and individuals are now claiming 'copyright' on the same photos ... I suppose 'just because they can try'. And there are sometimes multiple 'entities' claiming 'copyright' to the same photo. 'Gets me, since under the old laws copyrights had to be renewed at intervals and there was an absolute limit to the number of times this could be done. Once expired, material went into the public domain - and there are a lot of photos the were used for postcards in the early 20th century that never had a copyright in the first place, ergo they were public domain from the start. But the Disney lobby feared that their oldest movies nearing the limits could be openly copied and sold as public domain. This is aside from the fact that their images are registered 'trademarks' (look closely at Micky or Goofy and you'll see a little 'TM' somewhere), and those can be indefinitely renewed and can protect from 'copycat' images - even if original art. So the laws were changed so that a copyright holder has absolute rights for life (plus so many years for the estate) ... yet if the holder is a corporation, then as long as the corporation 'lives' (files tax returns) the copyright now holds effectively in perpetuity. OK, so one better have a license to sell any old movie. But as a result of re-writing the copyright laws, all kinds of entities and individuals are slapping copyrights on anything they happen to have. Different prints of the same old postcard will have different postmarks, scratches, stains (or whatnot) - and many claim that their 'version' is thus unique and copyrightable. Sadly, they overlook that once in the public domain - something can no longer be copyrighted. So the question revolves around whether a photo was published in a book or on a postcard or in a newspaper that was either not copyrighted or that the copyrights expired on. Photographs that were never published at all, but are in private collections may well be fair game for claiming protection nonetheless. Not affected is the 'fair use' doctrine - that if one buys or legally acquires a book or publication, one has the right to use it for personal reasons (including copying, enlarging, modifying, etc.) ... but not to reproduce for sale or distribution. Yet the original item can be sold to someone else, effecting a transfer of the single copy license. Fine lines, for sure - and anybody can sue anyone for anything. (Doesn't mean they will prevail.) Sorry to have gone into this 'rabbit hole', and Old Johnny is hauling himself out with blocks and tackle.
  22. I'm learning more about the Endurance all the time - hence I'll wait until present builds are finished (and look for more info in the interim) before thinking about starting this project. I didn't know that she had a few plates at the bow (presumably to lessen ice wear on the keel), and she may well have had some at the stern. There are pictures of Polaris (before being modified into Endurance) that show the rear railing with three rails (versus the two that were on the Endurance - and the top rail being wood !). Polaris had a much smaller rear cabin and a photo shows no channels. Initial conversion to Endurance shows the enlarged rear cabin, channels for the deadeyes, the new name on the stern - and the ship above the waterline is still white ... but the kennels have not yet been built and there is no enclosure over the steering mechanism. I surmise that there was more work done subsequently to that photo (perhaps in South America while fitting for the expedition). That additional work included the kennels and steering shed - as well as painting the hull black above the waterline (rub rail excepted). My guess is that a black hull would be far more visible in the arctic than a white one - especially if there was anticipation that the ship would have ice all around, and scouting parties would need to see the ship from afar. So there are 'several' versions of the ship that can be modeled ... as Polaris (pre-conversion - and there are photos to go by), as a 'phase 1' conversion to Endurance per a few of the photos I've seen - and the hull would still be white then, or as the ship was finally modified just prior to setting out for the Antarctic (with a black hull and white 'pinstripe'). One could model it stuck on the ice, when the steering house was removed to be used for the first encampment - as well as stripped of some other stuff, and three of the lifeboats named and further modified. Check out the considerations surrounding the present build of the Glory of the Sea - and how there are separate time periods with their own modifications to choose from. The builder obviously had to make a choice among the many options. Same goes for the Thermopylae, that went from China tea clipper (maximum sail for speed and 'token' cannons as required for insurance) to Australian wool trade (where studding sails were discarded and mast height lessened since top speed wasn't essential, and a smaller crew kept her competitive with steamers - she also got re-painted green that covered the previously distinctive yellow rub rail) to working the Northwest timber trade where she was painted white and converted to a barque, to being outfitted as a trainer for the Portuguese Navy, to being used as a coal 'hulk' ... and ultimately sank as a Naval training target. ALL these were the same ship in a variety of forms, so whatever ship one wants to model - deciding what time period to represent will affect how one outfits and rigs the vessel. The search for knowledge is half the fun, as I see it. More to your point, had the entire hull of the Endurance (Polaris) been coppered below the water line - why would any owner gone to the trouble of removing all of that? Polaris was built for northern waters (gad, it had two feet thick sides! ... and only the Fram - used by Amundson - was stronger, per the builders) so ship worms only live so far north due to temperature extremes. The second factor is the development of effective anti-fouling paint - and that could be an avenue of separate research. But with a cheaper alternative than to copper an entire hull (just slap on the paint), they likely used metal only where deemed necessary for protection from ice - hence the prow and concerning the steering mechanism. My guess. Fair sailing - Johnny
  23. Step one could be to remove the 'good wood' keel added. Since it appears straight you could support it on a table edge (after having a fine pencil line drawn to the trim point on the plywood as Harlequin suggested), use a metal rule as a guide (with wood planking to position it just about even with the GLUE line) and make successive light cuts with a fresh Xacto blade at the glue joint to free the keel piece. You'll need to support the hull hanging over the table edge with a stack of books or wood put on a chair before proceeding. If you have a 'miniature' modeler's plane - or better yet, a 'low angle' hand plane - (the blade must be quite sharp) plane away the unwanted plywood until the pencil line just disappears. As was said, the keel appears flat, so with a SHALLOW (real shallow - so test on scrap wood to produce a thin curl) blade setting, plane all the way across the plywood keel with each stroke. No plane (or planing experience)? Then use the Xacto cutting method to cut the keel where the pencil line is to remove the 'good wood' keel WITH the offending strip of plywood attached. Then trim off that unwanted piece from the 'good wood' keel on a working surface. You can make sure the remaining plywood keel is flat by lightly sanding with fine grit wrapped over a long straight piece of wood as a sanding block - moving the block straight down the keel until no trace of the pencil line is seen. The 'good wood' keel can be trued by working the cut edge against fine grit sanding paper on a flat work surface. Re-glue the keel together and ... you've got it.
  24. The view from the quarterdeck has many fascinating details... The foremast yard is turned a bit to port, showing a pair of blocks that appear to be for the topsail sheets. The topsail is all wrapped up around the 'automatic furler' mounted below its yard - the mouse ear (some say dog ear) has a sheet line that you can trace down to what may be a pulley inside the main yard, then the line loops over to the aforementioned block. There is no main sail mounted, but the block for the clew line is at the end of the mast, with the line likely 'stopped' at the block, but it can be followed to the mast to a block concealed by the mast in this shot. The foot ropes are clear, and I think I can see a bit of the jackstay on the main yard - likely positioned slightly on the forward side of the yard enough so that just the top (and a couple mounts) can be visualized. There is great funnel detail for those who want to used a metal tube with added bands (there are several ways of fabricating this). Note the way the fore stay from the mizzen is terminated around the funnel to deck eyes. The fore-and-aft sails on the fore and main mast are likely furled to jackstays. Besides the boat rack, there are fascinating things going on amidships with railings, equipment and some sort of support bar going fore and aft . Someone seriously 'busting' the kit has a lot of photographic evidence to go on. BTW, your approach the the davits is a good one.
  25. I notice the jackstays on the yards of your earlier Glory. Were these used as handholds? I might have misread a reference that sails could be bent to jackstays, unless it was talking about a vertical jackstay behind the first section of a mast where a spencer or spanker was attached. Given the potential wind forces, I imagine that square sails would be more secure bent to the yard. I'm still in a 'learning curve' - one reason I'm not proceeding with anything much right now.
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