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Posts posted by Gregory

  1. You might consider one of the smaller boats from Vanguard like Erycina, Nisha Fifie ‘Lady Eleanor’, Zulu ‘Lady Isabella’..


    You can download the manual for free  for some if not all of these at the Vanguard site.  The vanguard manuals are like practicums, and there are many logs here at MSW..


    If you want to order in North America,  another of our sponsors Crafty Sailor has many of these kits..

  2. Back when I was building my first kit  almost 30 years ago, and there was no internet, I came across the idea of beeswax dissolved in turpentine.

    I think it may have been Longridge's Anatomy of Nelson's Ships, or an article in Seaways. This allowed it to really soak the line, and the turpentine would evaporate after a while.  I still had to use an alcohol lamp to get rid of the fuzzies.  I still have that ship ( in pieces ) and the rigging line, I believe it is cotton, is quite stiff.

    It looks OK..  I believe the beeswax helps it from being affected by moisture, which is not a problem with polyester..


    The fuzzies are not as much of a problem with polyester, depending on the thread.  Seems to be minimal with the Gutterman I use for making my own rope..

  3. I have experimented with bees wax but did not find it to be a solution to the fuzzies..


    The flame  ( alcohol lamp )  is the best way , but takes practice and care.


    For the UK, I have heard Amati sells  pretty good rope.  Available at Cornwall Model Boats..


    Most kit supplied rope leaves a lot to be desired,


    If you are planning on building more boats, kits or otherwise, you might look into making your own rope..

  4. 26 minutes ago, modeller_masa said:

    Which one is the most accurate way to copy the shape of frames onto the other side?

    Why do you feel this is important at this point?


    Small variations can be taken care of with shims or fairing to get a smooth run of the planking.


    The only legitimate way to get symmetry is to have templates that you use to compare to both sides..


    Did the kit come with bulkhead drawings..  These could have been used before assembly to make corrections.  At this point they could be used to make templates.

  5. 1 hour ago, BranPie said:

    That's a kit I'm also considering.

    Just in case you didn't notice, the Cheerful kit only includes the bulkheads, keel parts and framework, including the full set of plans.

    It requires a lot of scratch work or additional mini kits for cannon, windless, gratings and such.  It requires additional wood for decking, planking and masting.  


    It is a great project when you are ready to do a lot of scratch work.

  6. 10 hours ago, turangi said:

    But, if I mounted them in a drill to make multiple holes they wobbled like a hula dancer.

    As I would expect them to do.


    But, to continue to be argumentative, I have a genuine Dremel keyless chuck 0-1/8 that runs true as a judge for $12.  The Knock offs are 2 for $12 ..


    I have no doubt that the Staretts are very fine tools,  but I am not inclined to by a Rolex just because I need to know the time..😀

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