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Everything posted by PRS

  1. This is my second build and learned a lot from here and building my Bluenose II. Decided to tackle this as it comes highly recommended for beginners and will try to do the best I can and take it slow. The kit is very nice and the supplied wood and fittings look good and also the plans are excellent. The instructions are pretty sparse but there are a lot of build logs here to answer any questions. So let's get to it.
  2. Instead of a laser cutter what about one of the small desktop CNC machines? https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07ZFD6SKP/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07ZFD6SKP&pd_rd_w=90gZ6&pf_rd_p=446ad332-bb28-4fcd-8b39-3092201fe0b1&pd_rd_wg=eJyF3&pf_rd_r=936D1BGWPP9Y4FD23ARG&pd_rd_r=4369458f-59f0-4e7e-9b82-24266e3281d9&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzOE82WUxYVENKV1I3JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDIzMDg2SEdQRE1EQzUxUENIJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAwNjQyMjYyTkRITFVSNzZCNlVCJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  3. Wow some good and helpful people here! I never thought to look for getting right from the manufacturer and really am not stuck on the Ontario but would love to build a ship from that era. I am not trying to say I don't have the money to buy a kit but do have to watch what I spend and don't want to put out my hobby dollars on something that isn't worth the price. Guess it all boils down to bang for buck. I have built a lot of RC aircraft and have done kits and complete scratch from plans so not afraid of doing scratch. (scratch building usually costs more than a kit in the end I have found for RC Aircraft) But I need to get a few builds before I attempt something like that. It is just for me I am unsure of who makes good kits and who makes bad kits. Example: My Bluenose build was fun but the quality of the deadeyes and blocks sure was bad compared to the same parts that are in my Lady Nelson kit. Sure I could have pitched the parts and bought better ones but I did not know that they were not good. (you don't know what you don't know) I have been following a lot of masterpiece builds here and am learning a TON here. But a lot of you are fantastic builders and can make a bad kit look good. Always welcome for more thought on this and when I get to the point of ordering another kit I sure will look at the build logs because I don't think there is any kit out there there isn't quite a few build logs. One of the best tips I had read was SLOW DOWN and since I started to build at a slower pace it sure is satisfying to fit a hull plank that fits perfect without clamping.
  4. I don't have a lot of experience building ships yet but am on my second build which is the Lady Nelson. I have been looking at all the different kits and manufacturers and sometimes I see a kit which makes me glad I am sitting down. Case in point: Why is the Maris Stella HMS Ontario Great Lakes Snow of 1780 1:48 Scale https://modelexpo-online.com/Maris-Stella-HMS-Ontario-Great-Lakes-Snow-of-1780-148-Scale_p_4621.html $969.99?? Is it because it is a new kit? Have something special I don't see? Then you look at a ship of the same era such as the Model Shipways Niagara and it is $369.99? I know it is a smaller scale but there is a huge price difference. I could get Chuck's Cheerful starter kit and wood kit for $200.00 and it looks to be of great quality and yes I know I will need to add to that by another hundred or two by the time I am done but these are long projects and I don't mind spending the money if it is worth it over the long time it takes to build. The Amati kit is very nice for the Lady Nelson (a lot better than my previous build) but I would hate to spend a thousand bucks on a kit that is a dog. Yes this sounds like a newbie question but I am a newbie
  5. The Badger Patriot with the fine needle assembly is a good one to have. It is easy to use and clean and not expensive and for the price it is the best bang for the buck. The .5 needle is a little large but you can buy the detail kit for about 20 dollars. I had an Iwata NEO and it was hard to clean and the replacement needles are really expensive. Here is my setup: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B002W84GTO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07KHBL8TW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07HXN2V5B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I am really happy with this.
  6. Would this stuff work for dying rigging? It is acrylic. https://www.amazon.ca/Liquitex-Professional-Acrylic-Ink-1-Ounce/dp/B0026439C4?ref_=Oct_s9_apbd_obs_hd_bw_b7Fn85D&pf_rd_r=2109EZ6P5SZSDTYSBAWW&pf_rd_p=45903782-b2da-518b-99e5-8b6301e4912f&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-10&pf_rd_t=BROWSE&pf_rd_i=6646284011&th=1
  7. So I am finished! I learned a lot of new techniques and had a lot of fun. I think I am hooked. Mistakes made and overcome and even though the instructions were not the best because of the lack of plans I worked through it. Here are the finished pictures.
  8. Thanks for this mini review. Nice to see what's in a kit. are the deadeyes and block plastic or a wood composite? I am almost finished my AL Bluenose II and now I can see that the blocks and deadeyes in my kit were horrible. (not to mention the sails) Going to follow along.
  9. Have some of the rigging done. Learning as I go and have made some mistakes with the knots not staying tight but overall I can live with it since it is my first time doing this. Trying different glues to see what works best for keeping the knots tight. I have settled on a 50/50 water/Modge Podge mix as it gets into the knots good and dries a satin.
  10. OK I am going to follow this one close as you are explaining it good and I am also pretty new at this. I am planning on my third build to be the Cheerful as I think the Winnie is a bit over my head at the moment. Currently rigging my BluenoseII and have the Lady Nelson waiting to be built. Great job so far!
  11. Got my ropewalk and this is a thing or beauty. I tried to do the wrapping by hand and it was difficult to say the least. With the ropewalk it is easy to do an everyone should have one. To do the wrap on the top of the masts I just use a piece of brass wire through the one end.
  12. This looks excellent! I have read through it all and it turned out gorgeous. I also have learned a lot by you explaining things as you go. Thanks
  13. Started on making masts and could not find the bottom pieces. Quick design and print on the 3d printer solved the issue.
  14. Going to start rigging soon and might need some help with this as the instructions are lacking. Wish they would have added a rigging plan overview or a plan itself. Done some searching but haven't really come up with something that guides me. I understand I need to do an overview and make sure rings are on the masts before starting to build the masts. First question: Start with the ratlines and go from there? (I might be naming them wrong.)
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