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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. It's still crisis in the Netherlands Augie. We can help our government with this…... Sjors
  2. Hi Per, You did your metal rounding better then I do! One question….. How did you attacht the metal against the wood? And how did you clamp it? That was for me a real pain in the ……. Sjors
  3. Hi Garward, I see this now for the ( I think ) 100 times and still I'm amazed with what you are doing. Tremendous job! I can use a lot of things at my own build. Thanks for the detailed pictures! Sjors
  4. Deal Sherry! But she don't know that we are shooting with cotton wool plugs…... When you get started with the San Felipe, give me a call. Difficult this way because you can not call me. Ok, in other words, give me a signal And save a seat at the front row for me. Sjors
  5. Hi Augie, When I was at work I only receive e-mails on my I phone that is saying…..Augie Syren build! Man you are posting a lot! But great rigging! Sjors
  6. Hi Kevin, Can you make up your mind with witch build you go further? The ship or the garage…... Sjors P>S Anja love the Wabbits!
  7. Hi Popeye, Those future builds is gonna take a while. If I ordered them now I'll be flying as an cannonball….. And Anja hide the cannonballs but what she not know is that i can fire with cotton wool plugs And now back to your updates. Great, greater, greatest! Sjors
  8. He my Friend, You find your way home Welcome again! Glad you make it! Sjors
  9. Hi Derek, What do you mean by mini…….. On the outside she is indeed looking as the Victory. But that's all ( I hope ) Not that I don't like the Victory but I love the San Ildefonso….. Sjors
  10. Are you saying that you are going to the dark side Sherry? The San Felipe is an beautiful ship. I hope that you come at my side Sjors
  11. Hi Kevin, Busy with work you mean….. Work is not bad but the only thing is, It cost me so much building time….. I have the late shift so on day time a little building and watching the site and then go to work. Sjors
  12. Hi Sarah, That looks……..old! Great job! It's almost if there was going real smoke true it. Sjors
  13. Hi Mark, That's a huge job you have in front of you. I will follow you. I'm curious how this end. Sjors
  14. Great paint job Derek, And painting is always fun because you see some result. Sjors
  15. He Popeye, Here you are. You where hiding your self for me? But I find you and will be follow you again. Sjors
  16. Thanks PSF, And thanks for the link. Sjors
  17. Hi Kevin, The loft looks great. It's almost model building but then bigger Sjors
  18. Hi Robbyn, The second planking looks great! When i have second planking I also used the head pins. Only not into the planks but a little bit away from the planks. So the pins are going to the first planking Then the head holds the second planking in place. I know it takes some time if you want to do it right. But you are on the right track! Sjors
  19. Hi Sherry, What is your next build? Sjors
  20. Hi Mark, I placed the keel into a rail with the same thickness as the keel it self. Then I dry fit the deck and because they where 4 parts of it,I was not so difficult to get it straight. And don't forget, my false keel where two parts. It turns out that after placing the deck, the false keel has no twist anymore. You have the same problem? Sjors
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