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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Peter, Very impressive looking Granado mate, I built the CC kit and that didn't have a ships boat, the written word on it was that because she was a Bomb Vessel she would always be accompanied by other ships which would take her boats, they would then tender the Granado when she required ammunition ect. I'm sure you will come up with the right decision for you with regard to the berthing of your ships boats. Thanks for checking in on my log. Hope the refurbs are going well, if nothing else protect those ships. Looking forward to more updates when the time is right. Be Good mobbsie
  2. She's a big beast right enough Sjors and looking real good. Your moving along really quickly which just shows what a good training ship the Mirage is. Keep up the good work mate and keep those PICTURES coming. :D mobbsie
  3. Very impressive Augie. Lovely lines and extremely well executed. The planking is going to look great, do you intend to paint, stain or varnish the hull on completion or have you not thought of that yet. Whichever you choose mate good luck with it. mobbsie
  4. Great job with the fix Popeye. Hope the staining goes just as good. mobbsie
  5. The best of luck with this project John, I'm sure she will look fantastic. I'm with Dan on the working rigging, I feel sure your up for it. Will you be building her at the museum again or will she be at home. Either way I'm going to pull up a chair with a bag of pork scratching's. mobbsie
  6. I can add nothing more to what's already been said John but I would like to add my own hearty congratulations on a very fine build. You have earned the right to be very very proud. Looking forward to your next one mate. mobbsie
  7. Hi George, If you want to fix them in now you could do a dry fit with the steps and mark out their new position, remove the steps then fix the cleats in place, if it were me I would fix them now before it gets too tight for space. I'm not sure how much pressure these cleats are going to take so I pinned and glued mine, that's why I didn't move them, I don't want to do any damage to the deck. I'm sure the fix whatever you choose will come out looking good. mobbsie
  8. Hi Kester, A Very Happy Birthday to you mate, I hope the day brings you both satisfaction and lots of toys. Enjoy your day. mobbsie
  9. Hi George, Good progress mate, she's looking lovely. You may want to have a look at your Cavel Cleats ( post 28, picture 2 ) on the upper deck, 2 small points, 1, They are too close to the aft gun, when you come to put the steps in for the Poop Deck your going to be squeezed for space, 2, they should be at an angle forward to the right and not aft to the left. They are very small points mate but may cause you some grief later. I made the mistake of pinning and gluing mine to the deck but they are clear of the steps so didn't cause me any trouble. Hope you don't mind me mentioning it. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Hi Pierre, It does look a little dark to my eye's but having said that I think it looks good. You could try diluting a second coat which should take out any unevenness, it will most likely look completely different when you have put the rest of the trim on, that should have the effect of lifting the colour. As usual a light sanding will flatten it out some, also the doors when finished will break up the expanse of blue. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth, your choice my friend. Be Good mobbsie
  11. I can hear the plaintive cries of King Agamemnon over the wave tops, crying to be taken home to his funeral pyre. TO DO THAT HE NEEDS A SHIP, his own ship , one that was named after him. Unfortunately it's still in the box. Mizzen Mast is looking great my friend. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Hi Ray, Thought I would drop in and check on your progress, wow have you ever done well, lovely fix on the bulwarks and the rails look great. Well Done. If you look at my signature I have Dianna down as a possible build, your making a perfect reference for me, thank you. :) mobbsie
  13. You really have made some very good progress there George, she's looking really smart. Did you turn your posts for the companionways or buy them, they do look good. Keep it up mate. mobbsie
  14. Fantastic work Grant, they look great. I salute you Sir mobbsie
  15. The part I was referring to is the coller at the base of the round bit, it should be flat so that the mast cap sit squarely onto it. mobbsie
  16. Hello Sjors, Your apprenticeship ended ages ago my friend, you cant blame the ghomes any more, they just follow orders. :D The Fighting tops are looking superb, well done. If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion without getting jumped on, is it possible to square of the top of the lower mast where it fits into the mast cap. You have no idea how brave I feel right now. Speak to you soon. mobbsie
  17. Hello Mate, I think that would be a better idea than the small blocks I used, using the old planking waste will at least double the thickness and give you a better fix. You only need them on the bottom sill, not the sides or top though, but that's up to you. Your doing good mate, keep it up. mobbsie
  18. Hello Pierre, Those main gun ports are looking real good mate. If you used your gizmo set-up for them then you will make a good job on the upper gun ports, I have every faith in you. Getting that first plank down for the main wale is a big step and looks great. As far as the main gun deck is concerned I placed small blocks inside the hull to give extra support for the linings, otherwise you will only have 1.5mm to fix the linings to, just a suggestion. Looking forward to further updates. mobbsie
  19. You don't have problems Popeye, you just have setbacks, and boy do you know how to deal with them, Great fix mate. Love the colour, I also wasn't aware that Billings had stains, was that a single coat or did you have to apply several coats ?. Your ding a fantastic job on her mate, keep it up. mobbsie
  20. Hi Jeff, This is an interesting build which I will follow closely. Been thinking seriously of taking on a build like this as space is a premium. I have loads of questions which I wont ask because the answers will become evident as you progress. Your doing good work here so keep it up. mobbsie
  21. Morning Kimberley, NO DUMB MODELS. Some good sound advice there, the paint I use is both Revell's Aqua Colour and Admiralty, they are both water based paints and the clean up is very easy. With regard to brushes I generally use Synthetic Hair Artist brushes, you can buy them in sets which have flat as well as round tips, they are also a soft brush, I find a hard brush tends to flick paint which is not desirable. Good Luck mobbsie
  22. Hi George, Don't rush it mate, enjoy every part of this build if you can. Unfortunately everything completed is a step nearer to finishing and I don't want to do that. mobbsie
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