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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Work continues here at the Northern Colorado shipyard, albeit slowly. Yes, flying, fishing and gardening have taken their toll. But I'm happy to announce that the fore and main lower yards are aloft. Pinned, trussed and with lanyards fixed....can jeer blocks be far behind? No photos just yet.....I want to get them 'fixed' in position first so she doesn't look like a windmill run wild Soon Sjors (right after our next little snow coming in 24 hours).
  2. Was just cruising through when I noticed that a brief comment I made about the use of CA accelerator seemed to have sparked a conflict of sorts. Or perhaps I've read too much into it. Either way, we are all free to use, or not, any of the products or techniques discussed on MSW using the safety measures we each establish for ourselves. Sometimes an otherwise well meaning or humorous statement can be misconstrued. Hopefully we have returned to our usual friendly dismeanor.
  3. Thanks to you gentlemen all for posing an answering a question I hadn't thought of just yet. I would have attempted painting and probably gotten very frustrated. MSW works !!!!!
  4. Don't go getting all mushy on us. If it's the rigging you're going to miss, head South 20 miles and I'll let you finish mine. I've got lines coming out of my ears If it's the eminant completion of the Connie, well, she'll stand by you years to come.......and help you navigate your future.
  5. Wait a minute. There haven't been any groundhogs around here......they are all on my thread. Andy is innocent! And Kevin is.........Kevin!!!!!
  6. No running, Sjors! We have merely established an atmosphere of mutual respect for when certain 64 gunners begin to roam the Forum. I shall now return to rigging my 81 gun Syren. Oh wait ---that's a typo. 18 gun (but I can run like hell ).
  7. Hey, someone noticed! With all the recent international saber rattling about who has the most firepower, I decided it was time to replace the Sopwith Pup aircraft with her one (1) 7.9mm machine gun with something a little more potent. Sjors 174 gun double decker thingy convinced me! So here's an upgrade to 9 guns. All 16" with a range of 20 nautical miles carried on a stable platform capable of 33 knots. Oh yeah, there are another 120 'small' guns. She's BB-55, the USS North Carolina, lead battleship in her class which is the class prior to the Iowas. If you're ever in Wilmington, NC don't miss her. I promise you that even for we lovers of the age of sail, she is impressive.
  8. Your position is well stated Sjors. There are decisions to be made on each and every build and they need to be made in your heart as well as your head. I believe each of us knows the strong and weak points of our current project and there is not one of us not trying to improve and do our absolute best given not only our own limitations but also those imposed by the materials we have to work with. Carry on my friend.
  9. Thank you for the walkthrough Grant. I need to put something like this together. Interesting comments on the grit # to use.
  10. I don't know if any formal studies were ever run but I've seen CA do what you have described if it's been around for a long while after opening. It will even change in a sealed container after a very long while. Some folks keep their unopened bottles in the fridge and claim this helps. Never tried that myself. If you must use the batch that's giving you trouble, CA accelerator will make it set. But I wouldn't trust it for high stress applications.
  11. Haha. Yes, the lesser side is the 'wall side'. Here's the rub---- no sooner you set it up that way, your Admiral will insist she looks better going the other way. Don't ask me how I know this
  12. I admire your persistance. You've made the exact statement I made in my log back on MSW 1.0 concerning more attention to fairing at the bow/stern. It's called learning. Hang in there.....the end is near for the hull.
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