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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. then you were lucky J........I couldn't find anyone who could replicate the Revell Cutty Sark decals. everyone had an excuse........can't do gold......can't do white. I found one guy, but he gave me the run around. that's when I found the decal program.......I still ended up paint penning the depth markers though. what a time I had with that model......even the sheet I got from Revell was old and had micro cracked. I should explore other avenues. I've done that with some of the decals that had white in the image. yea...it's a pain. I'll have to pull out the manual for the printer........either that, or I need to upgrade mine scans and copies........don't think I need a cloud feature......I do that pretty much on my own
  2. I recently was asked about a page I had posted in a member's build log, concerning planking. when I first began building wooden ships, the fellow that got me started gave me a huge stack of 'ships in scale and scale ship modeler magazines dating way back. included was a few other books and booklets pertaining to ship modeling, by Richard Mansir. one in particular seems to stand out....a planking booklet by Richard. I forget the member, but he was in a bind with his planking, and I posted the page to help him out.......the booklet was published in 1982. recently, I was PM'd by Tom G asking where he could get a copy. as I told him, I'm sure that the book is long out of print.......I gave him the address and the ISBN number of the book. he found a site that it can be down loaded for free: LINK DELETED BY MODERATORS. The link was to a web site that posted books for free download - this book is still under copyright and there is no documentation that the copyright holder has provided permission for it to be posted. The web site's statement - "assumption that whoever posts has checked for permission" is not adequate to allow links to this web site here on MSW. I found this to be a very useful booklet. in 16 pages, it covers simple planking and scale planking, although I sorta disagree about his scale planking rule. I think it all depends on how small a scale the modeler wants to build his ship........the old adage: where there's a will, there's a way it also has a small glossary in the back outlining planking and hull terms. it's a great booklet for the beginner modeler.
  3. well, I'm glad you didn't take offense........I in no means meant anything negative. if you did this good with this project......I can imagine what you will achieve with the S.T. you have a 'weather worn eye' ......I in a million years would never be able to do what you've done here BTW....I don't see any mistakes in the construction either
  4. that's really your only recourse........the line would pass by the gaff, by the boom {as you have already done}, and terminated as you have them. hate to say it........I'm sure you've already remedied the problem
  5. checking in OC........she's com'in along nicely sorry to hear the hand is bugg'in you again..........hope it gets better soon.
  6. I only put the like on that one 'cuz you included progress. how old are those tires anyway? change the others if they are over ten years old. ....bad sidewall, it looks like glad your OK. superb progress on your vessel.....she's look'in sweet!
  7. I must say....your weathering is impeccable.......but these vessels were known for being clean and pristine. there would be a lot of upkeep done on these vessels. I love what you did.......but if you were going for the 'ghost ship appearance'......you nailed it! sorry......I have to be honest here. don't change it on my account........you have quite a work of art here
  8. can't argue with that job Greg..........looks great! is the outer hull the same color as the lower decks? plug the openings perhaps? common Carl....that doesn't look so bad....look at all the nice detail you got there
  9. very nice job on the tubes.........looks like the only thing you left out is their ability to fire
  10. I usually make the margins in pairs, keeping in mind left and right. if the bulwarks are equal, it takes little fitting to get them snug. I did cheat on the Progress though.......I used the printed margins on the deck platform for the templates. they are not the same, so I couldn't do like I normally would for other vessels. is there a deck platform for this one, or are you going to do the planking over the bulkheads? superb progress thus far
  11. very nice job with the railings! they look outstanding that's quite a process for the life boats.......they will look great when all done. you would have to look way in the archives of this forum to find my Cutty Sark log. in it is the entire saga of how I got the decal program........although it doesn't solve all of my problems. the big hurdle in all of this, is most printers won't print white. the only one that I know of, are the old ALPS printers. if you do a search, you might find a place that has them......not sure if I kept the site that sells refurbished ones. weighing out the price of the printer, and how often I make decals, it's not much of a plus. not sure if you were a member at this time, but you might glean some idea from this log. Michael did some impressive work restoring this liner.
  12. so.......the body is out of the dip........looks like the effort was a success. now to give it a light sanding and clean it up the rest of the way. pictures will follow soon.
  13. I like that scale........I have a Fokker D VII that I built a short time ago. I'd love to get a hold of a couple Brit planes.......even the tri plane
  14. hey there Sam.... I have an HP F2480.....I believe the max DPI on it is 600. I have been dealing with a transparency issue using the decal maker, so I set it to max. I did some digging a while ago, and I found that there was suppose to be an upgrade for the program.......turned out, it was just an expanded set of decal images. setting the DPI doesn't cure the problem though. decals printed on clear paper disappear when laid over darker colors. in some instances, I use white decal paper, only if there is white in the image, and I can only apply it to a white background. a way to get around this, is to change the background around the image, matching the color that being used on the model. this works very well for numbers ans names, especially if the color is neutral........harder for off colors and pastels.
  15. thanks for the likes.........more is on the way {I promise}. I've been devoting time in the S&M debacle, and showing the landlord how I patched the pipe. I haven't gotten the pictures out of the camera yet.........likely to do more today, I'll post them all later. I had to look back in the log Sam.......I thought I posted the formula I use. using flat colors, I mix black, white and battleship gray together til I get the consistency I want { I usually don't pre measure}. for it to look even better, I like to wait till the flat black becomes diluted with thinner. this usually kills off the slight sheen that flat colors sometimes has. not that one needs to do that........just add thinner to the mix til it becomes a wash. when it dries, it will not have the sheen and give off a totally dead look.
  16. fantastic rigging!..........your spiders are very well trained a lot of wow factor there!
  17. looks great Jack......I believe this is the only kit that I've seen, where the box art shows a different scheme. I've always seen this plane in blue and yellow. the paint works well for the model, although I'd probably be impatient with the dry time super looking plane!
  18. no.....your right....I should have gone further down with the red.....I will correct that. not with the stripper though.......it can't be used on plastic. I'll give it a brake fluid bath and remove it all. some older kits.......they're really a grab bag. some were really good, some were done poorly. I'm finding though, clues as to which kits saw retooling, and which ones didn't. the last couple I've done contained parts that weren't in the instructions, and what should be found in pairs, but only one is in it. this kit {for instance} has a few weird aspects about it....even though it's a really nice kit. it's pretty detailed in it's design........a horn that is not shown in the instructions {one can figure out a logical place for it}, a washer fluid jug, the absence of windshield wipers, even though there is a locator point for them, outside door handles, which was fairly common on older kits {some kits even supplied chrome molding}. it also depends on the company too. I've had some that put out a nasty kit......HobbyCraft comes to mind {a Canada based company}. the kit looked really good, but the fit was poor and the plastic was so thick and produced a heavy model. I bought the Fokker Dr 1........could be painted in ten different schemes. if I remember right, this was Richthofen's 1916 paint scheme the model is quite heavy for a 1:48 scale model.......had a devil of a time to get the center wing and machine guns in place. to compare it to a revell kit....big difference. this one is as light as a feather the body has been in the brake fluid for an hour or so. the flat black is coming off very quickly.......it will take more time to get through the lacquer coat, although it's breaking up. it might be totally stripped by the evening. cripes......even the admiral is having fun with it she's been pick'in at it too!
  19. I appreciate the gestures gents......there are really not too many options left at this point. I have a can of stripper that I bought back when I built the Nordkap........when I found out what would happen if I didn't cement between the planks. never did that again.........don't think I'll do this again either. I have a whole jug of what Pledge is called now in the sink cupboard......I tried it and didn't care for it. I'll simply chalk it up to listening to that clown who sits in my right shoulder.....didn't know he was Murphy's cousin I do have a few pictures to update you on where I am with the car, and the UN - heavenly body. the interior is done now...the dash is painted and installed, along with the steering wheel and tac. I didn't get any pictures of the body, aside from the red.............this is what it looks like now. if you don't have a chup bag.......any plastic lined bag will do landau roofs didn't look this bad.. I'll see what I can do with it tomorrow.
  20. hello all just a brief update on the General. yes.......the cab has been cemented in place...I just need to touch it up a little. I did touch up the badge and cement it in place as well. it's not a great picture.........but it looks good in person. I also used up the last bit of soot on the stack.......before it dried up and blew away. I need to make some more.
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