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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. she's looking good J..........making cleats looks very tedious. looks like a sort of plywood your using......is there a threat of chipping? it might be better to use a piece of strip stock ......something like 2 mm thick. do they supply them in the kit?
  2. thank you for the 'likes' gentlemen......I apologize for not getting the progress up sooner. I had this done yesterday, but my first mate had to go to the vet for his check up. he did very well anyway.........to set the stage for the fore deck planking, a 1/16 border was lined along the edges for the stanchions. a 'tip' was also added the the bow stem......repeated sanding rounded the edges a little, and this was done to change the look. I think I should have extended this along the cabin bulkhead, but with the companionway and stairs, I figured that I had better not. a border plank was laid spanning across, and the deck planking will meet it. as this was done......I got the feeling that I may be wrong in my assumption of the plank color. I need to remember that the main deck was done some time ago.......it has had plenty of time to cure. I did a bit of sanding once the starboard side was done........just me being impatient with how it will look. all sanded and ready for clear coat. I used a semi gloss lacquer for the main deck, and so I will here as well. caution.........the colors will be way off, but I think as it cures, it will dull down. the roof of the companionway has been painted. here it is with two coats applied.
  3. the Cutty was know to have lost her rudder a couple of times..........so take care which pictures you refer to so, there is an actual kit associated with this build? so cool that you've chosen the road less traveled neat idea you have going there........with the rudder notched for the gungeons and pintles, you'll be able to hug the stern post better.........nice!
  4. kidding.....right? your build is closer than any kit could come.......not without being bashed. kudos to a build well done
  5. that is the 'tiller' shaft.....chances are, it is rounded. you notice that further down the rudder, it does go to a flat edge. I am surprised that it isn't tapered in any way.....but that's the way it is <shrug>
  6. when I finished doing the deck planking on the United States build........a thought occurred to me. I haven't finished the fore and aft planking on the Syborn! ohhhhh.......don't tell me I just cut up the rest of the planking for her! I took her out of the closet and had a look, and then a sigh of relief.........I had used the darker Annegre on her! the Annegre comes in two different hues.......a lighter and a darker color.......I have {had} a package of both. after I was done rejoicing that I didn't 'starve' the build, I figured.......what the heck......I'll plank the fore deck......and perhaps the aft deck too! might as well........she's on the table
  7. I don't worry about problems with broken part either..........I either fab out another part, or change it around during the fitting and correct it then.........I saw the counter......I figure you have a plan for it you've done such a good job sanding the hull to shape.....bevel the lead plank going there, and it should butt right up with no problem. super job!
  8. nicely done Daniel.........I know others have asked......do you have a catalog or booklet you send out? really like to see a price list on some of this wonderful etch!
  9. excellent build Tom! your build is a dead ringer to the real ship..........very well done! congratz!
  10. impatience is two sided coin..........a slave driver.......makes you work harder to achieve, and a trouble maker.........tries to slip you up and make mistakes. calm...........take your time.......you've overcome so much already. you've done no differently, than any other scratch builders. you can do it! snakes and lizards........good thing your running across them before the admiral does..........can you hear the reviews!?
  11. when a build takes on a life of it's own..........all bets are off, as to what will come of it. your imagination and skill really shows, and now you've gone past the scope of what you were trying to do........note that I said 'were' the bolt idea is superb.......I've seen it done on many plastic builds, but just how much detail is put into them, is up to the modeler. raised detail is by far, the hardest aspect to add in the wood medium. I think where your going now, is really going to add a lot of this fine detail making them in metal is good......but do evergreen and plastruct make a hexagonal rod? it can be cut into 0.5 or 1.0 mm {depending on scale} slivers. round stock can also be fashioned to suit the need. your proto types look very good.......I'm scared already! testor's does make a cement for plastic and wood {green tube}.........I've got mixed reviews on it though. I've also used the Ambroid cement, but I haven't seen it around. another one that I've used in the past is Lepage's "seal all". it's a good cement for all purpose use, but it doesn't come with a defined applicator, making it very hard to control.
  12. this is the best way to try out your thoughts.........mock-ups! it will give you a chance to iron out the problems before you apply it to the model. looking good so far! good to see some normalcy is returning.....I hope all is well
  13. the lower right is going to be a problem, I see............hope you have the broken part. I wouldn't think it possible to fit the piece on after the stern fascia is in place {this would make it easier}. are you going to scratch out a new fascia to replace it?
  14. come on Augie.............cannons aren't mind numbing.........they're a work of art! sure they are a 'mass production' aspect, but it's rather fun to add on the little baubles now, if you really want to drive yourself to new fits of madness........plank the deck! I'm with Ben on this........It will be very nice to see how the deck compliments the bulwarks, and make Ben smile at the same time
  15. I think back to all the things my admiral and I did together, when we owned our house....those are fond memories. cripes I remember the all-nighters I pulled..........fueled by beer. the admiral would down out on me around midnight.....but I didn't mind. we did the hard stuff during the day......and painting all night! we enjoyed it! I hate being a renter........so much I want to do, but the place is not mine to do all this. we hope to get our own place one of these days.....we were happier that way we did things the way we wanted them to be, and we reveled in our accomplishments. if we ever did what we wanted to do.............she is now disabled..........I would more or less be on my own, but I would be happy.......I'd be doing it for her.......even though I'm not the spring chicken I used to be take pride, my friend...........and now your back to your leisure, and back where you love to be............it's a wonderful feeling though......isn't it?
  16. sorry to hear of your issues........I wish you well and a speedy resolve. the world around us has changed so much.....it's gotten to the point, that they want everything done yesterday. I used to enjoy working..........today, I can't wait to retire! take care of yourself and get better....I'll be thinking of you good to see some progress.......the framing looks really good!
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