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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. Happy birthday Anja..........hope you got what Sjors didn't get
  2. jeeze Louise! thank you everyone for you kind comments! I really appreciate it now that my work week is over, perhaps I can give a big push going on the build! many thanks for looking in....more progress soon!
  3. yes popjack, lacquer is one of the most volitile paints / finishes. it depends largely on how it is mixed. I either brush it on, or use my airbrush, and I ventilate as much as I can. the use of the types of thinners that the average modeler can get is not too bad, but the industrial thinners are nasty........it can generate it's own heat. I've worked in a cabinet shop.......I've seen filters self combust. as far as the learning.......I know I still am.....I probably will never acquire as much knowledge as some of the more proficient folks here, but I keep trying, because I love the hobby. one of these days, I might be able to tackle a big ship, like the big kids do thanks for the good word. John......I knew it.........I got it right!!!!!! jump right in Pavel........feel free to use any of my info.....if it helps
  4. no pat.....that's quite alright........no creatures in my wharf! LOL!
  5. thanks John........there are a couple more lines that need to go on yet......I've tied the blocks in place for them. the hoops are finished on the main sheet once the fore sheet is in place, then I can do the shrouds. then i can tie all these lines off and make the rope coils for them. that triple block rigging, I guess you could call that the halyard rigging...I think. tomorrow is my 'Friday'.........I can get to the fore sheet then. thanks for the good word John
  6. Thursday and Friday was devoted to getting the main sheet up. the first thing that needed to be done, now that the reef lines are finished, was to set up the upper gaff with the blocks required to do the job. then to lash it to the top of the sheet. the sheet is ready to install... the last of the lashing was tied through holes I drilled through the yoke. I tried to get a close up of this, I hope you can see. the lift rigging was done first here is the rigging that involves that triple block. for the lower boom rigging though, I kind of over thought myself.......I figured that it would require two double blocks......I was wrong. I changed the horse block to a single.....it looks much better now that the sheet is in place, I can start to do the hoops I have more pictures in my camera.......I will try to get them up......it's the rest of the hoop rigging
  7. I use that method of seam filling sometimes. I quite agree with you about the way basswood sucks up stain........I have pidctures of the Susan A that tell the story............light stain............very light stain no need to explain about the ship in the closet............I keep skeletons in mine
  8. thank you Padeen....just one of those parts that cried for a little intervention I'll have more progress up in a little bit...I need to size down the pictures.
  9. nice additions to your work area Sjors.......have a fun trip!
  10. take some time for your self.....you've been couped up on that ship........only to come home to find peg dripping at the bow for your touch. Yepper! get in some 'you' time!
  11. thanks Runner63 - I need to post the progress I made..up soon thanks Carl.......I found your log.....hope you are well thanks Borge...hope you are well.....as well
  12. you must have taken that quote from the Mary Ann build......yes, I wasn't happy with the fact that I hadn't fared the post correctly. what I would like you to do, is fare the posts and put the bullwarks on. you will then get an idea asto how much off the stern, your going to have to sand. fare it down to the deck line, making sure that the posts and the deck are flush. I will explain my reason later......for now, I go to work. hope you've gotten your things in the right rooms....HEE....HEE!
  13. looking very nice.......glad to see your back on your build again. take it slow........don't want the admiral to put you in shackles
  14. looks like I would think 'taper'..........looks like it narrows toward the bow stem
  15. don't be too hard on yourself.....get into the habit of doing a couple of test passes on a piece of plywood, before committing paint to model.......I do it all the time. I use a siphon feed..very little cleanup, since the paint feed is outside of the airbrush. it works like blow'in on a pop bottle. you'll get it straightened out.........I'm sure
  16. I think Sarah will do a splendid job on this kit........perhaps a little darkside too: "imagine, if you will........a door that leads to a world where imagination and x-actor capibilities apply. a place where ideas and creative talent, flows like a river, to an endless sea........to the great expance of the unknown or untried. where specks of sawdust come together to form massive hulks of hull and mast........only to end up battered by crashing waves of thought. with visions of mind, looking through the window of eyes........to materialize from the use of hand..........you know you've just stepped through.......to the darkside
  17. thanks Sarah.......saw you build log on the Cux......nice start! appreciate the good word on another site, I got the seamstress comment as well..........maybe I'm in the wrong business I already got an order for sails on a bluenose.....LOL! expecting the package soon. gotcha Augie..........how many pleats? hope you like ruffles and tails!
  18. good luck with your move, Sarah I forgot to say I hope that the move all works out...OK put that box over there she said in a fog allright, whose the joker that packed up the dog! a nice sunny place with a foyer and lobby and a big huge room to set up your hobby I hope it's set aside from the homey and formal 'cuz the sawdust you'll be making will be far from normal! have a good move........don't get too mad at the movers!
  19. I resemble that remark! nyuk.....nyuk...nyuk........a wise-guy....ehhhh .......oh, m'lady.....you should have PM'd me that you started the build.......I'm impressed! I will say one thing though, those blocks put in the stern is going to make for a lot of sanding. you'll need to contour the stern to the deck.........it's just going to make it harder, that's all. The Cux has such a cute little 'rump' to her, but {pun intended}, make sure you don't lose the countersink for the bulwark wall. the part for that is about 1/16 thick, and quite stiff......I think I showed how I bent it in my blog. I used these wall componnets.......but I didn't on the mary Ann....basically the same hull http://maryanndrydock.wordpress.com/2011/08/16/the-mary-ann-part-3/ you can even follow this log for the hull construction. look near the bottom......it shows how I cemented in blocks for the mast placement. this is one of the problems you will encounter with this kit....especially with the mizzen. you will also see what will happen if the bulwark post are not fared properly....my mistake for bringing the dog outside with me when I did it {I think i mentioned it in the log}. I tried to fix it, but ended up ripping it all off and planked it.......got a big "why did you do that?" from Tom @ Billing's USA. anyway......back to the Cux.......it doesn't really matter in what order you do this kit, as far as the hull construction. whether you plank the deck before the hull planking, or after. it just means that you'll need to freshen up the decking after all the sanding. not sure if you do it as a rule, but your going to love leaving the structure areas blank......you won't see all those separation lines, and will give a better look to the deck layout. when I built the Cux, I didn't have a build slip, so I made my own. to be sure that the ribs were lined properly, I cemented the deck platforms in right after the frame was made. to do this, I left the two stern parts #13 out of the frame, so I could slide in the two deck joices that run underneath. at this point, these two strips of wood are not really needed, but I put them in anyway. the parts #13 were cemented in afterwards. now that I found your build m'lady, I can follow along. The Cux, The Mary Ann......the M&M ship......and even the trawler Syborn are the same hull design {the trawler having a few more ribs to 'er}. it's a nice hull......universal actually.......make a hull, and you can do pretty much what you want to do to them......perfect for a twisted builder like myself build her the way you want to.......put your dinty moore into it {you already have......that radio looks cool} I'm sure you'll have a fine time of it!
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