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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I don't know but Keith can supply the towels very interesting benidiction.........don't know half the places ya mentioned, but interesting none the less. had a bit of fun this afternoon......the admiral and I went to the grocery store. I love places like that......great place to do my patented Popeye laugh.....then I started in with my Rodney Dangerfield.....I don't get no respect oh my daughter........yea.....yea ......she's no prize........she's been picked up so many time, she grew handles! I got off a plane in New York.......long flight, let me tell ya.........I got in a cab and told him to take me to somewhere wild and exotic.....he took me to my house! oh.....my father......strict.......very strict...........he taught me how to swim. yea.....used to row me out to the middle of the lake and would throw me overboard. .........I had to swim back to shore..........it was easy once I got outta the bag! I got a million of 'em.........yea! Sjors! {snap fingers} more popcorn pleeze! {what am I say'in!!!!!!!} yes Sjors......aside from the skis, both of them are finished Once I get the skis in place, I'll do some gallery pictures. I've done a little bit with the America....I hope to have an update soon. again......don't worry folks........cuz I'm a w-i-l-d and c-r-a-z-y guy!!!!! {errrrr....when the admiral isn't looking} if she starts to get wind of it.......I just give 'er those eyes.......and remind her about the 25 years............and she once again reminds me......that time wasn't THAT good to me
  2. oh....WOW! congrats, my friend...........have a great day!
  3. sorry Daniel....I couldn't resist! great idea though.......I put my two cents in I took the picture out.....you don't need my mug in the middle of your thread. I thought I had seen all the pictures, but I guess I didn't........it came out very very well! it looks superb! shows a really good grasp on your hobby...fantastic work!
  4. shows just how much thought your putting into her.......looking great!
  5. yea, walnut is hard to work with.......but a light stain and a sealer, you should come out with a nice looking hull. mahogany is another one that is a bit tough to work with. I use what is called Annegre.....I get it from Billing's. it's light in color, but as I mentioned, go as dark as you want with the stain and give it the sealer...looks really good. your doing a great job with it......keep it up!
  6. I didn't........not to worry folks.......I did a reality check on the normal thing.......the admiral told me I'm still certifiable so, now that I have my clean bill of health......I can move on. I was at Hobby Lobby today..........I'm hard at work......hatching Ideas, but two builds take priority for the moment. thanks again to you all
  7. it easy.........it's a craftsman and his art! top notch Gil! {big thumbs up emoticon here}
  8. no...........idiots can't figure things out! I told you.......knowing you, you probably threw it on the table and it jumped into place! looking forward to the next picture show!
  9. you know what they say Keith........dress to impress....what am I saying.....I dress like a farmer.....LOL! thanks for the kind words....I am humbled by the response. glad you feel that way.........I have a few ideas, yet to have surfaced in the think tank. can't do them now though......got to get caught up. one of these days.....sounds like Floyd easy song to play too........it's just the A and B chords The admiral hates it when I play it..........hee....hee! {the bridge is just a technique called tapping}
  10. I don't take for geanted the availability of paints here in the states......craft stores are quite plentiful......hobby stores are a second....not so many today, at there were when I was younger. I got spoiled with an airbrush...paint stroke say a lot about technique. I'll look forward in seeing your progress. one of these days, I can get on with the United States. nice to know that there are a few builds here that I can cop an idea on........I have on yours already!
  11. thank you very much Mobbsie.......I can't think of any place I'd rather be. your all such wonderful folk! if more people, instead of saying "I would never have the paitence".......would just sit down and apply themselves........they would see how creative thay are! it's hard, and sometimes frustrating, but when it's all said and done.....all that effort paid off. the admiral won't let me play with plastic......I'm good with that.......I've found more challenge, and creativity working with wood. being a member of this site and chatting with you fine folks, has bolstered me even more......and I thank you all for that. thanks for your suggestions and for your interest
  12. thanks Shaz and Bob. I keep repeating to myself bashing is fun..........bashing is fun.........but a scratch'n bash....now that's a hoot! now that's what I talking about Alex.........come on over! I got that much done John.........I was also thinking surf board.....those are easy to do. but in the interest of time, I just stuck with the skis. I gotta get normal again
  13. that's some good thinking! awwww.....you got plenty of time, I still need to finish the AmericA. but, when that's done...that will be four builds off my table! then I'll only have the Goth, the trawler, and the United States. I can breathe again! you rest up and take care or yourself...........think about your next conquest!
  14. I posted pictures of the skis a while ago........yea.....it's been that long John I found them on page 11. the Denny-Zen is finished.........the skis are all thats left to the Phylly C. I thank you for the good word.
  15. I just got a chance towards getting back more of the build I used to follow........I saw yours. haven't seen where your at with it yet, but I've read about your job problems..........I see it's just as hard over thereas it is here. sounds like you were working 'under contract'....glad to hear you were able to negotiate a new one.......more pay? you and Sjors are such good folk......Phyl and I wish nothing but the best for you two. I so happy to have gotten your build back on my list......now I can keep up with it......I'll look forward to your continuance
  16. are you almost ready to continue on your build? I hope your doing better........I still waiting on you
  17. yepper! your not wasting any time! fantastic progress and I really like the looks of your cannons. you'll get that facia on there....I've no doubts about that! superb stuff, my friend.......keep on chugg'in!
  18. thanks Daniel........Andy started me doing that....his idea some model cars have them........these are much larger, so why not. thanks for the good word........the shoe ides is looking better......the more I think about it
  19. thanks Frank.......got one toe over the finish line a we speak! thanks for the good word yea.......Andy reminded me of how the dome should look........they look the same on our tractors {truck}. they look good enough for me.....I'm just going to leave them as they are. they won't look like that in the future, I assure you the skis are a tough nut to crack......I thought of going out....buying some "barbie shoes".....and cut them up to make the bindings. I have been looking at images of skis, so I have a good idea of what I have to do. I was going to make them out of brass {sheet} and paint them, but it sounds like a pain, so I'm creating some material. this is sail cloth soaked in diluted white glue. when it is dry, I'll make a jig so I can fit the material into what I need. perhaps Froyd wouldn't mind coming over so I can check for fit.......hee.....hee. I made up the wipers for the both of them. the way I did it was pretty neat......I was going to cement a thin strip of brass on the arm and paint it flat black....but in seeing how they looked, I didn't bother. the blade is soddered on the end of the arm at an angle the dry fit showed that I needed to alter the angle a bit. but once they were adjusted, the blade was painted flat black.
  20. now THAT is awesome! I like it!!! could have hit the like button........but this is beauty overload! I was looking in my decal folder, and I have a couple of flags that I made for the Susan A. that crest you showed would look nice on a sail
  21. thanks Augie.......they work only in my mind....... yea......they are a bit off.......I'll do better next time..I suppose I could have gone completely off the wall, and done some thing like Paul did....but then I figures that the FCC would get involved.......rather stay under the radar....so to speak.....LOL! thanks John........I am too {got to go check on the Gnomes......they work cheap.....don'tcha know.......all they wanted was my lawn!} "hey......careful with that hammer ......half-pint! ohhhhh.....now how ya gonna pay for that?"
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