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Everything posted by Elia

  1. Beautiful, meticulous, and tiny work there Patrick. So impressive. Cheers, Elia
  2. John, Beautiful work. That hull planking and tree nailing is very sharp. Interesting method in addressing the aftmost rail and transom (or at least where the transom would be!). Cheers, Elia
  3. Hank, Outstanding. The level of detail and how you've integrated all of the tiny pieces (photo etch?) is eye catching. That antenna mast is something else. I live just west of Philadelphia, drive I-95 into the city, and see the New Jersery across the Delaware river (on the NJ side) often - and she has nothing over your ship. Very sharp! Cheers, Elia
  4. I'm another user of Optivisor and highly recommend it. It provides me with clear, magnified vision of my model(s) which my 52 year old eyes can't any longer. I have two different magnification lense sets, and use each according to the task at hand. The glass lenses are quite clear and distortion free. I also have the optional LED light. I find it can slide around on the headband a bit, and the battery contacts within the battery carrier aren't robust, so at times electrical contact is broken and the LED fails to light. But it is useful (when working). Overall I highly recommend Optivisor. Cheers, Elia
  5. John, Beautiful planking. I love how the strakes flow to the counter and are perfectly symmetric, endinging in those 'V's. Super nice. Cheers, Elia
  6. Bob, Very clever solution to scale vinyl covering. It completely looks the part. Well done. Cheers, Elia
  7. Patrick, Amazing and such detailed work. So engaging to study! Keep up the great progress - I thoroughly enjoy each update. Cheers, Elia
  8. Dimitris, That is an excellent paint job. The glass/resin layed a smooth foundation and you took great advantage it. It looks very smooth, consistent, and clean. Very nice! Cheers, Elia
  9. Jond, Your scratch Notman build is looking sharp. I like the idea of Sitka spruce for the masting. How does it's graining look? I have only read about it, not having seen it. I too will enjoy watching your sailer develop. All the best, Elia
  10. Matija, That decking is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Such nice work. I wasn't familiar with this yacht, Pen Duick, until your build log, here, and I find it such a very attractive boat - you're doing a fantastic job of her. (Makes me add it to my 'potential builds' list) Cheers, Elia
  11. Tim, Sweet detailing of those torpedo tubes. They look great. I really like how the mixed materials are used to bring out various specific components of the launching tubes. Really nicely done. Cheers Elia
  12. John, Very sweet planking runs, sir. Lovely little model she is. All the best Elia
  13. Matija, That deck planking looks fantastic. The nibbing is very neat and I love the full length king plank with all of those strakes nibbed into it. And deck furniture adds to it all. Super nice! Cheers Elia
  14. Beautiful work, Ed. I have to admit that seeing the painted surfaces was somewhat disconcerting at first as I admire all your work, from the stanchion extensions of the frames, the the planking and treenails (or fasteners). But that stern scrollwork and painting is so very sharp. I (like so many) look forward to your next installment. Cheers Elia
  15. Toni, That hull is fantastic. The comparison of the riband and exposed framing to the fully planked opposed side is eye catching. The fully planked side, with it's beautiful holly planking and subtle treenails, is gorgeous. And the friezes add more detail and visual 'pop'. Fantastic, clean, crisp work. Cheers Elia
  16. Simon, Very nice work on those sails! They are very neat, their lasing to the spars is neat, and they definitely complement te ship. Very nice. Cheers Elia
  17. Welcome back, Pete. I look forward to your updates and build. And if you find any related 1:1 shipbuilding experiences along the way I would be interested in hearing about them. Cheers Elia
  18. What an Elegant little model. Very nice work Patrick. Cheers Elia
  19. Hank, She is looking mighty fine. On that Pontos decking - is that laser etched wooden decking? Cheers Elia
  20. Dimitris, Very very nice result there! That looks very smooth. Beautiful. Cheers Elia
  21. Michael, Thank you very much for describing your plan and approach. And that last update showing the timing gear looks sweeet. So very nice. Cheers Elia
  22. Ed, Incredible. I love the presentation of, and the planking, running to the counter, aside the rudder post, and to the sternpost. It is all so so nice. Cheers Elia
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