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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Congratulations on a fine model - and case. The repainted counter looks great. I like your solution to the many rigols at that scale. Well done!
  2. That is the sheer line, as opposed to the toptimber line.
  3. I can't tell which line you are referring to, Allan. Can you add an arrow or something, please?
  4. I think that the fish hook would be around the lower end of the shank of the anchor rather than at the fluke as you have it, Phil. Otherwise, that looks very nicely done.
  5. Ouch! I had not read the description of that particular chuck in detail. I would shy away from plastic as well!
  6. Here is one source: https://www.chippingaway.com/shop/miniature-tools-wood-working/proxxon-bench-top-power-tools/proxxon-micro-woodturning-lathe/4-jaw-chuck/ There are others if you search the Internet.
  7. When you get to that stage, don't forget to run a couple of 'proof diagonals' to check that all fairs out!
  8. Yes, you are correct: they are a form of sweep port. Stowage of sweeps is an interesting question. They could be racked vertically around a mast, although with the rig in this case that would not work. Perhaps bundled along the bulwark tops inside the shrouds? Sweep length as to such that the leverage is reasonable and the angle to enter the water is not too great. Therefore the inboard length cannot be too short as you suggest. One wonders if sweeps were only used in extreme circumstances!
  9. That's too bad. Richard. Looks like it's been an interesting project so far.
  10. Impressive, Jim. Do keep us informed on the restoration as well, if allowed!
  11. Just spotted Henry's work. Brilliant stuff!
  12. They should be compatible. However, the drying (polymerization) time may be quite lengthy. Try on scrap first!
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. Nice to see you back again, Albert!
  15. Make card patterns for fit first - saves both wood and frustration!
  16. Nice progress, Tobias. That internal work is not easy to do. Well done!
  17. Take the time to read and study instructions and pics until you understand what is needed - it's time well spent.
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