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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Well, whatever works for you, Jim. I'll stick with chisels for now, thank you very much! Looks like you are progressing nicely. Good stuff!
  2. Robert: great story about your preparation for building your model. The photo you've posted is a great tease: show us more, please. It looks fantastic!
  3. Certainly the bottom of the shot lockers would be above the limber channel. I would have solid limber boards spanning the gap. Also, the cut-away on the lover side of the mast step could be larger. The outer edge of the angled cuts should end up at the rabbet for the limber boards. I agree with Greg. Does that make sense?
  4. I believe boats were towed (other than in action) for ready use, Ian. It would take far too long to rig, hoist and lower a boat over the side in an emergency such as a man overboard. Also, open boats need to be kept wet to remain water-tight. My last model had two of the three ships' boats mounted so as to appear floating off the stern quarters. The third was rigged, ready to hoist from the waist.
  5. Also boats were often towed. There was a swivel bolt in the wale under the mizen chain each side for attaching the boat painter to for this purpose.
  6. Cabriole legs and all! Very impressive at 1:48 scale. Well done.
  7. Sure, models like yours 'take a while' if they are built to your high standard, Michael!
  8. Very nice work so far, Klaus. These earlier subjects are interesting.
  9. Looks like you have a full production shop. We expect you'll have all the frames together and raised by the end of the weekend - right?
  10. Nice clean carving and shaping, Dan. Looking good!
  11. You are correct, Aaron. For planking to look right, it does need to lined out and spiled. I suspect kit manufacturers only provide stripwood because it is easier and cheaper for them. Also, many kit model makers are quite happy to plank a hull in a non-realistic way, so they don't demand sheetwood from the kit manufacturers.
  12. That is very impressive indeed for a 'learner' model! I look forward to seeing your next project, Zbigniew.
  13. Now, that's a mast cap! Impressive saw work, Michael.
  14. She's looking very nice so far, Rob. I like your method of setting up the fillers aft of the last cant frame and side counter timber.
  15. In reality, those bolts went all the way through the side, but you don't usually see this on models.
  16. Thanks, Jan. It's interesting to see different nations' approaches to the same problem.
  17. Hmm... I hate to have to admit it, Maury; I like the look of your treenail 'cheat'. Particularly after having driven literally thousands of real scale treenails myself.
  18. Many happy returns and best wishes for your retirement, Michael. And, particularly, many happy hours in the workshop.
  19. Looking very nice so far, Dan. Keep those pictures coming, please!
  20. I should have mentioned that a washer (square in those days) was placed between the wood and forelock to prevent the forelock chewing up the wood.
  21. In the classic 'wooden wall' days, the bolts were secured by a slip of metal called a forelock. There was a slot cut near the end of the bolt, parallel to its axis. The wedge-shaped metal slip was pushed through the slot and then bent over to prevent it dropping out. This meant that any bolt could be easily removed for replacement or repair when required.
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