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Everything posted by JesseLee

  1. Cut out the flag. Made a piece of rope with a toggle & eye for attaching flag to hailyard. The of the flag isn't the best. The printing is off. Some of the red striping crosses over where it should be white. This annoyed me a little. Considered looking for a different one to order or printing one off the internet. Decided to go with what I have & to paint the right colors in the lines like they are supposed to be. Half-way into this I started regretting it but stuck it out. Started trying to cut & shape a can for shaping the flag.
  2. I like them. I have the same one Tadeusz has too. I used the Optivisor for 21 years when I was a bench jeweler.
  3. I like it!
  4. This is absolutely amazing! You have quite a talent for detail. I keep looking back over it......WOW!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thank you everyone for those kind words. Being able to share our builds with each other makes the experience even richer! Got to raise the flag & she will be done!
  6. Added the Main Topmast Staysail. This was the last sail. Been studying another Scottish Maid build while I've been working on mine. They had some extra rigging that my kit didn't instruct & I borrowed some of it & added it to mine too. Made an adjustment to the base. The sides were straight. I filed & sanded a little out to add some shape to it. I think it looks better now.
  7. I just came across your log. Looking great! I'll be following along.
  8. Some of my sails looked whiter than others after some water/PVA washes for shaping. I wanted to show weathering so I did some more washes with tea. This time I added baking soda to the tea. It fizzed a little at first so I added more until it stopped fizzing. Hope this works- never did it this way before. Also borrowed an idea from CaptainSteve. I dry brushed some paint & smeared it with my finger to look like water staining running down from the grommets. I like the way they turned out.
  9. I'm a little late too. Hope you had a good one!
  10. Very near finishing the Scottish Maid. Wishing Keith was around to see me complete it. Since I'm so near to the end I'm taking another look at the details around the ship. I noticed the reef points on the port side of the Main Mast Boom Sail. I have the sail catching wind from the starboard side, billowing out on the port side. The way this makes the sail shaped the reef points should not be laying sloppily against the sail on that side. I painted each one with watered PVA & clipped them to dry so they would hang down.
  11. Doing a little at a time. Rigging sheet & clew lines. Added the stay & flying jib sails.
  12. Thanks Rev! Rigging has come to a stop- my lyme infection has flared up with a vengeance leaving me feeling deathly sick. Right when things were moving along a lot quicker too! Oh well, this will pass- soon I hope. I really want to finish this ship.
  13. I think I figured out the blocks are supposed to be on both. These instructions are so vague & there are gaps in them. Anyway I'm going with that & moving on with it.
  14. Trying to get started on the clew lines but have run into a problem. The kit instructions told me to rig the block on the yard & not on the sail corner like the first photo shows. Now that I'm on the rigging page it shows the block on the sail corner which changes how the clew lines go a little bit. I'm confused. Do I change my blocks or do I just try to make it work like it is?
  15. Worked on the gaff halyards & the yard braces. I usually like to tie onto the pin & form the rope coil with the same line like is in reality but I'm having a very hard time reaching it- too much stuff in the way. So I'm tying off & forming rope coils separately & laying the coil over the pin.
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