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Everything posted by JesseLee

  1. Robb, I had to fabricate my own. The parts supplied by the kit did not fit right. They made the mast pieces spaced too far apart. It was a little frustrating. I looked up other builds & it seems no two are alike since there are no real records of the Scottish Maid's plans. I did the best I could to make them spaced like the plans show. This was a regular problem with this kit. As you've seen with the chain plates there was a lot of stuff just not done right in this kit. If you look hard enough you will even find two different rigging plans- who knows which one is right? I went with the kit plan but afterwards wished I had done the other one.
  2. Gets exciting when you see the deck start to fill up doesn't it? It's looking very good!. It does look much better spaced with the wedge. That is a mistake I made with my build. I intended to do that too. I had tied it up & glued it before I realized I had left it out. I didn't like it but I didn't want to tear it back up so I left it like it was. Another option if you still don't want to cut a hole in the deck you can carefully insert a wire pin or two or a small wood peg into the flat part that lays on the deck- being careful not to drill through to the top. Gluing it down with it pinned or pegged is better than just gluing the flat part down. Like others have said it could pull up when doing all the rigging.
  3. Like George said. On this ship they are on each side of the Jib Boom.
  4. I held the tooth picks in my Dremel & sanded them sharp on some sanding sticks- first coarse then fine. Just a dab of glue & stick it in the hole. I snipped them off with fingernail clippers. After sanding them down I am satisfied how they look. I just hope they wont look darker when stained because they show their end grain.
  5. Skipped ahead to the tree nailing of the upper hull area that will be stained. Tested many methods on scrap wood. Tried wood filler, glue/sawdust, brass wire, even broom straw. Brass looked too different. The others didn't turn out looking as overall round. My drilling wasn't so perfect. I remembered seeing Dave Bullocks work in person & how good his looked. He uses the tooth pick method. So that's what I went with. They turned out a little bigger around than I had planned but they all looked perfectly round. I have tried multiple times to load my pics today but they will not load in the right order at all so I will try another day.
  6. What type of wood are you using? It looks very good, nice color.
  7. What an amazing showroom! I really like the 1780 Chebec
  8. Decided not to have the fake sheaves as the kit instructs. I don't have a lot to work with so I made mine by layering pieces of wood. Glued & shaped them. I didn't have an easy way to make pulleys this small so I just put a toothpick through without the pulley. I figure it's so small once the rope is pulled through you wont see the difference anyway. Cut out the spaces for them in the planks & glued them in place. They still look rough- need sanding down & the openings shaped up more even. Will work on this as the planking is done.
  9. I've had to do some of this with my build. Can be frustrating to have to undo & re-do things at first but it's always better afterwards!
  10. Nice that you got to squeeze in some pleasure with your business trip!
  11. Not that hard. Use a scrap dowel curt off the way the instructions tell you to do it. Mark with a pencil where it touches & drill a hole. Start small then keep checking & enlarging using the bowsprit you will put through the hole to go by.
  12. Glad you are making the chain plates yourself. What the kit supplied & instructed looks just awful. Looking very good. I also made better bilge pumps. The kit tells you to glue a wire to a brass piece- doesn't look right at all. These little details make for a much better looking model!
  13. Had to pull up some planking where it didn't line up with the gun ports the same on each side. When I got to the stern I found the same problem. The pencil marks on each side shows I had it half a plank off. Pulled this up & got it right. Added the counter planking. Cut out the gun port holes in the transom & glued it into place.
  14. Glad they cleared up the infections Dave. Hope your surgery goes well. I'm know with patience & your building skills you can re-do the planking & all will be fine!
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