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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. hi Derek..... real nice work...... the stern looks great!! Frank
  2. Garward, you a true craftsman !! Beautiful work. Frank
  3. Hi Al...... I'm glad you are posting this log again, this was a super nice build.I know it's a little bit of a pain to do it, but this build should be enjoyed by all. Nice to see you back at MSW!! Frank
  4. It's getting to look like that isn't it,Thats the look I'm striving for, hopefuly when it's finished it'll look like it's made 2 or 3 trips to Australia Thanks for your comments Sokrates. Frank
  5. HI Larry, your build is moving right along, Like Patrick said, nice job on those filler blocks, I have a hard time with those buggers. Frank
  6. Augie: You sit too much!! You know what happens when you sit too much, don't you ??? Your rearend is going to start barking and howling, and screaming and finally, the inevitable itching!! You don't want that do you?? Now ,that is said and done, your Syren is looking soooooooooo Good!! Frank
  7. Michael: You have some serious woodworking skills, this is one awesome! build. Frank
  8. Again I agree with Russ, this is a very fine developed kit by Chuck. Just looking at the plans,as much as I could see of them , look very well laid out. I have a Baltimore Clipper sitting in my closet out of frustration with it's plans. I found they had too much going on them , to the point that they became confusing. ( to me at least!!). Anyhow, you'er off to a good start, this should be a very pleasureable build for you. Frank
  9. Nice build Adam, I agree with Russ, real nice job on the deck framing. That looks like a very interesting kit, I haven't seen this before, I'll try and keep up with your progress, and thanks for your remarks. Frank
  10. See you found your way back!! Good to see you up and building again! Frank
  11. Thanks Bob, don't know how fine the work is, but I'm still pluging along. Iknow you'er on the dark side, so to speak, but are you going to finish your other builds you had going?
  12. Anja, I knew we could count on you to hide the cannon balls, we certainly do n't want to tempt Sjors!! Thanks for your nice comment on the sail. Frank
  13. Nice build Popeye, I haven't seen this one before ( I think!! )........ you did a super nice job on the planking. Frank
  14. Hi Peter: Thank you for your input, I see what you mean. more sail in the middle of the yard, I'll try it on the next yards I do . I followed Huberts (Ship Modeling for Dummies) way of furlig, It's always good to have different input Thanks again Peter. Your Granado looks great! Frank
  15. Am I reading Sjors correctly........ He's mustering a war fleet together!!!!!........ Is this something I should concern myself with???????????
  16. Hi Sjors : Yeah. I'm caught up to where I'm at in the build, I'll have some more updates after I get all the foremast yards sailed and attached. Aldo, you'er my mentor, without your help the barnacles would of never come to be. I like the morope too, it has a really nice look. The rigging my friend, is not as good as it shoud be, my foremast rigging was really a learning step. I'm more pleased with the main mast rigging, well ,I guess you live and learn. Patrick : Thanks for the comments, Iwas concerened with the look of the sail, thats why i posted the picture, to get some kind of feed back. I still have quite a bit to do, but when it's finished I have Krick's Alert that i plan to tackle. (no ratlines ) I
  17. thanks Popeye, just ck'd out your M&M, glad you got that one back up, it's a Classic.
  18. What a beautiful model!!! I don't know how many of this type ship you have built, but ou sure are doing a fantastic job on this one, I'll have to remember to ck you out now and then. Great Work Vince! Frank
  19. Now I'm up to date, I have one picture of where I'm at in the build and I just want to throw this out there for some feedback. Thanks, Frank furled sai attachedl to yard
  20. Hey Sherry, thanks for your kind remarks. I thought I left a message on your Mayflower build the other day , but when I went there I couldn't find it. Anyway, Your build was awesome, and a first time build at that. You are one talented person!! Frank
  21. Thanks Peter for the info, I'm going to post a picture on my log of one yard with a furled sail attached . Please take a look at it and let me know your thoughts. Thanks Frank
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