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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Jim, Same here -works perfectly - and looks identical to the Micromark example.
  2. OC. Have decided to do flat bulkhead - thanks for several - posts regarding this part of the build flat was certainly how she was built. FYI's: Trying to absorb( so many) details from the McKay book I found this (images 1 & 2). Seen, of course, before, but thought where could I find miniature Roman numerals that might just work, and add details to this project? Went to “Google University” (to think that any question this on planet IS answered from a search at Google) and that search brought these up. Could just be perfect – So sharing a great -IMO- find other members whom might be interested. Link below images, https://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=roman-numerals~hfpkpro05&category=accessories~etched-brass-%28architectural%29 As always thank for the "likes"
  3. Bob, Thanks for all of this information - Just saw it. Will look into your suggestions as well Again thanks.
  4. OC., Now totally understand your previous questions – sorry for not correctly responding. Nice painting BTW thanks for posting . So mentally still working the bulkhead details out, and given that, now, I also want to offset the mast – hmmm? I very much like the kit (only in current version) provided upper curved railings. Thought of working with those adding some details and leaving the curved edges to the bulkhead to match the rail – just because I like the curved look. That said - the flat bulkhead is certainly the correct one. McKay’s images also reflect a full flat surface. Also both kits include the railing braces - so could just use those from the old kit and leave the bulkhead flat - as it should probably be. It would certainly be easier, and I could also scratch build a flat bulkhead adding extra details as well. I will include all of the old kit provided solid bronze bits.... Here are examples of both looks; Stunning work from Y. Shionoya from a Sergal kit superbly bashed. from modelships.de --- from the Sergal kit as well And this brilliant scratch built example - bulkhead is beyond perfect - well the entire work!!! Thanks for your interest and posts Regards,
  5. Kevin, Thanks - welcome aboard as well appreciated - Yes, those gunport frames have been a bit of a chore. I've had other issues as well (lot's can go wrong indeed) - no point in wasting members time with my frustrations - But almost done with these. Later on - way later - I think that I also want to explore offsetting the bowsprit mast, as it should be, given how far forward the foremast is set. I took some time away from the hull - and put together a bowsprit deck section (based on a centered mast (per the kit) - will need to revisit that partial work as well, and figuring out how to securely place the mast. Should have done that before installing the gun deck bits -
  6. First I want to share an easy “for me” mistake. For any of you planning on this kit – well here was the error. I was not paying much attention when placing the number 4 & 5 hull frames over the current kit provided outline sheet. Both looked identical and just flopped them into place. Well it turns out that #5 is 2.5mm on each side larger than #4 – makes sense Now! did not even see/notice that! When I hammered all of them into their slots, but I reversed 4 & 5. Now wanting to install the lower gundeck templates – a big “unnatural” curve caused issues. Images included below. So mates be more cautious than me. ================================== Installed starboard lower gun deck. Added trim pieces as well. Almost finished the port side as – next will need to drill dummy cannon holes and add the dummy carriages as well. Thanks for you kind visits…..
  7. Thomas, Thanks for all of your comments. Will look at alternatives. So far all of my power tools are Proxxon, and I have generally no complaints. My fave is the MF70 with X-Y attachment. But would like a better saw. Yes I did see the stunning Marple SoS in Oxnard. I called them a couple of weeks ago - wanted to take better images, but they are still closed. I never thought that I would "get to that ship" so only took one or two images. Now, of course, I need more images haha.. I will look for your log. Awesome ship - the books should be of great help. I have three of the Boudroit books for that ship. I have used his images a lot as a great assistant. For the SoS I got the McKay book -
  8. Robert, SO like the super detailing of your bowsprit mast - (saved this thread for when I get there👌) Will try your method for cutting brass tubes - another great idea. Excellent work a real pleasure to follow along. große Fähigkeit, die Sie haben. Regards,
  9. Thanks mates, I have their DS 115E, and rarely use it. Changing blades, correctly has been, for me, an issue. And it's a very basic saw.. The DS 460 might just fit the need. Thanks for your opinions appreciated.
  10. I received this email from them today. I am tempted - especially like the tilting platform. Any opinions will be appreciated. Price seems "ok" and free shipping. FYI: I am absolutely not connected with them, just a customer for a thumbs up or down. Thanks in advance for your thoughts. Regards, https://www.proxxon.com/us/micromot/37094.php?mc_cid=d361591428&mc_eid=cd5400fc37
  11. Patrick, Suggestion - I regret not adding these fiddly details to my last build - suggest that you, using a small drill bit edge (with a rotary tool) add these grooves - gently sliding drill bit on correct angle. It makes the spooled lanyards looked better scaled when seen from the sides once attached to deadeyes. IMO. On my list - for sure for my current project. Your deadeyes look "big enough" that is should be fairly easy - though knowing your penchant for super detailing this project - it's probably already on your "to do" list. Cheers,
  12. Johann, Work that has been the dream of so many of us - So enjoying - vicariously - your superb work. The learning is also a delight. Big Cheers indeed....
  13. Tuel, Awesome work with those sails - well done indeed.
  14. Vince, Just found your log - will grab a chair and follow along as well. I'm impressed with the amount of framings that Amati include in this kit. BUT that you had to cut all of those out WOA great work indeed.
  15. B.E., Very nice - you are so eclectic in your project choices, and all result in great looking, excellently researched builds. PS: Love the fishnet in this one 😀 & steering is brilliant work indeed.
  16. OC: to be determined – Are you asking about the round tuck at stern controversy? Marc: thanks indeed – big welcome aboard Eilelwen: thanks as well! Moving forward – adding dummy carriages in upper and lower gun decks (48). Needed to do this for upper gun deck first before installing the lower gun deck templates – this allows for room to work from under. That done; Now, I can install the two lower gun deck templates, pre-drill the cannon holes then add carriages as was done above. Thanks for dropping by, comments, and thanks so much for your interest in following along this new log. Regards,
  17. Greg, Just found your log - went back to page 1 - brilliant work in all areas especially the metal etched bits - WOA - the wood deck, aging along with your paint work are also a treat to look at - well done indeed. Cheers,
  18. Jim, Looks good. Excellent research on your part as well - interesting info.
  19. Jonathan, Great start - I may have missed it in your notes - how did you caulk the planks so perfectly?
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