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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Hi Sparky, welcome to MSW. Give some thought to opening a log in the Scratch area if you decide to restore it. People will follow along and offer advice, etc.
  2. A additional thought on this. Were the bulkheads a tight fit or an easy fit? Being a tight fit can warp a keel. The other advice is all good so test until you find one that works for you.
  3. So just the cockpit is a flight simulator? Works for me. I did a number of manuals back in the day for real simulators that weren't much more than that. But did some with full blown graphics and hydraulics to give a sense of movement.
  4. Lovely detailing, Lou. It does look weird seeing the pilot's right hand holding the top of the stick in mid-air. I realize what you're doing but it still looks weird.
  5. I empathize with you, Lou. When Janet was teaching, I was her IT guy and sorting out stupid stuff with college IT department was part of it. Very stressful and not always satisfying to say the least. I daresay you have your priorities right... we'll just have to be patient until real life gets sorted out.
  6. We'll need a bit of data to answer your question... such as who made the kit?
  7. Welcome to MSW. I see you're off and running with questions in the Research area.
  8. If it's cherry, why not just varnish it? Cherry does darken with age. I've done that on two models and looks great to my eye. But then, I might be prejudiced.
  9. It looks like a jig for making rope coils. Unless I'm wrong, You catch the end between "B" and "C". Secure with "A" then wrap the coils around "C". The separate parts shown look to be a variable for different size rope and coils. Pretty ingenious to my eyes and probably wouldn't be all that hard to make.
  10. Ok... that's not an uncommon problem as rigging is one of the dark arts. Here's the way I'd do it, others my have different ideas as there's a lot of ways to skin a cat. 1) Mount the lower deadeyes. 2) Take a piece of brass or wire that will fit through the holes in the dead eyes. Bend in a "u" shape such that when the jig is inserted into the lower deadeye and the upper deadeye, they are spaced properly. 3) Run the shroud. Note that where the shroud wraps around thee mast, it should be seized do there's a loop. Being the line down, through the next deadeye (using the jig to space it). And then seize that deadeye. 4) Repeat step for for the first two deadeyes on the other side of the ship. 5) Just add to each side, one at a time, back and forth so as not to put stress on the mast and bend it. I hope this helps. You might take a look at some of the build logs to see how they do it.
  11. I hope your parents get through the self-imposed quarantine without any problems. Scary times these are.
  12. There's also a quick find index for kits:
  13. Well, I can't see it either so Keith I have a feeling that's going to be two us feeling stupid.
  14. As far as rigging her, can you get her out of the workshop if there's masts in place? Beautiful work.
  15. Sails will also hide a lot of the detail of the interior. Maybe reefed or partially reefed so the interior is visable?
  16. It was a privateer... maybe some English soul with a desire for profit?
  17. Welcome to MSW. I hope Amati can help you.
  18. Welcome to MSW. When you're ready, feel free to start a build log. Instructions are pinned in both the Kits and Scratch build areas.
  19. You're right... don't sweat the first layer as it will be sanded smooth. For the final planking, see the planking tutorials here: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/14-building-framing-planking-and-plating-a-ships-hull-and-deck/ They're all slightly different so look them over and figure out which one will work for you. There's also one in the database here: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-framing-and-planking-articles.php for a simplified method. Have a look at the builds I mentioned up above and you'll get a good idea as both did an excellent job of planking. I got to thinking about the gun problem and the covered gun deck. One solution if you don't want to take off the deck you have built is to install the guns through the gun ports from the outside. It'll be fiddly and you'll probably have to install the carriages first then put the guns on afterward. I hope this helps.
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