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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Well, I think most if not all of us have been there with you. Just takes some time and practice.
  2. I've read that they used but it was never defined as to era, ship class, or nation. British seemed to mentioned as I recall more than any other country. I suspect that we modelers just ignore them as they would be hidden.
  3. "cozy" is an understatement, IMO. I'm surprised anyone could even work the gun in that space.
  4. Should be interesting to follow along. It struck me that the front end looks like an old Ford Thunderbird grill. I guess my mind is a bit twisted due to age.
  5. Steel's book, if I recall correctly is basically English ships. American rigging may have been close. I think there's an Anatomy of the Ship book available for Constitution but I'm not sure how deep it goes into rigging.
  6. He's one of the developers if not the developer, at Bluejacket.....
  7. Your location would help, Pam, as different countries have different possibilities such as museums and sellers who market built models.
  8. Frank, I'd start using what you already have and then add what you find you need. Basic rule of thumb is buy only what you need when you need it and don't buy "cheap". Usually, buying "cheap" means you end up spending more as the old ones get replaced. And Dziadeczek is right also. One can make a lot of rigging tools one fly such as what he shows.
  9. I'll add to what Keith mentioned. Boats were often left uncovered also for "maintenance" which was basically dumping a bucket or two of water in them to keep the wood from drying out and shrinking which leads to leaking. Sometime they got covered back up. Captain's choice in this.
  10. Wow, if I hadn't seen the log I would not believe it was card. Supurb work, Chris. I do like your "new" laws. Very fitting and profound.
  11. This seems to be a rather "time limited" project depending on how far back they wish to go. There might be plenty of tales out there even back to the 1700's or so which would need some serious digging into archives and histories. Or are they just looking for "modern" tales?
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-navy-destroyer-sports-badass-014341970.html
  13. Oliver? You mean Orville, I hope. Good looking model the Flyer. I have a memory of seeing a full size one at the Air Force Museum as a kid that didn't have any coverings. I wonder if it's still there?
  14. Sweet work on the rigging. E-zee line and the model scale would drive me nut also. With do-overs, I just tell myself the first time was "practice", take a deep sigh, and go outside and kick something.
  15. Welcome back home, Mic. I hope it's smooth going from here on.
  16. I find this fascinating. It seems the lion was a very common figurehead for French frigates during the Napoleon era and some (but not all) ships of the line. I'm not sure why unless it was some standard but I've not seen any reason. I do note that the French did use other figureheads on the frigates than the lion but it just seems to more common than other types.
  17. Looking good. May I suggest you open a log in the appropriate area? It's a better place for many reasons as this one is for discussions/question, etc. The log will get your build indexed such that others can find it.
  18. Most builders don't know the difference. They just want to build a ship that looks nice on a shelf.
  19. Nicely done on the boat, Bob. Distractions seem to be the bane of modelers.
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