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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I have these two bookmarked as I'm eating bits on a regulatr basis. http://www.harveytool.com/cat/Miniature-End-Mills/Browse-Our-Products_254.aspx http://www.cetdirect.com/
  2. An easy way to bend these is with a old curling iron. Put them in water for about 10 minutes, then use the curling iron to bend them into shape. Let cool and Bob's your uncle.
  3. I swear that you're an old car racer, Danny... Just can't leave anything stock. Looking great and that lock is something else....in a good way.
  4. Hi Richard, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. However, welcome to MSW. Vince is right, this will be a great tribute to your brother.
  5. Well... slept on it... no beer....<sigh> I've ripped off the holly and cut some swiss pear. Once things are cleaned up a pit, I'll commence planking again. I only had two strakes down so no big loss. I'm not painting, Carl except with the natural color of the wood. Holly would work for American or British but not the French as they didn't use whitewash. Semi-visible, Ken. There's a large open area in the middle of the ship where this area would be visiable.
  6. If it's paint for a house or building, the paint grains will be too large and thus the paint will be too thick for a model, JP. As for your other questions, I have no clue.
  7. That's the bleach I'm going to test when I get a few minutes..... Life and all that keeps getting in the way.
  8. Well... I just irritated the h*** out of myself. I'm really needing beer at this moment... <sigh> Just realized the French didn't use whitewash on inner bulwarks like the English/Americans did....<deeper sign> So I'll sleep on this (I hope) and either claim artistic license and continue with the holly or rip out what I've installed and use cherry for red ocher.
  9. Holy cow..... The fourth photo gives a good impression of what an attacking aircraft might have seen.
  10. If you're going to glue to the balsa, after shaping it, coat it with a layer of glue and water (50/50). It will help hold anything being clued to it.
  11. Wow... you are filling that deck up quickly now that all the grunt work is done (or a large chunk of it). Looking super nice.
  12. Ah... yeah.. only the admins and maybe moderators can see the "deleted content" forum. The only content I can see using his profile is in the "New Member Introductions".
  13. Danny, I did do that... here's his "Ship Model Restorations" that shows up in "New Member Introductions." Only link I could find from his profile. Your "here" link goes to a "You do not have permission to view this content." page. No log anywhere that I can see.
  14. I never thought about hydrogen peroxide. I'll get some and test. Luckily.. I found a sheet and a half of 1/32 holly that's clear hidden in my wood stash. I'll use that for now and test the not so good stuff maybe next week. Just have a bit too much on my plate suddenly.
  15. Have a look at the home page for MSW.. lower right hand side. See if any of the sponsors sell them.
  16. Good points, Jaager. But, I'm using this for the gun deck planking on the hull (not deck) to simulate whitewash.
  17. Thanks for the reminder, Harvey. I'm looking at the wood pile and might have enough holly that is clear for what I want. I'll do some testing on the 'morrow to see if the rest of the pile is salvageable. I'll also test the maple as that's my fall-back if I don't have enough holly.
  18. Thanks one and all. I'll give the bleach a shot as have nothing to loose if it doesn't work.
  19. Don't laugh too hard, but can wood be bleached? I have some holly and some maple that has dark streaks in the grain. Just musing out loud.
  20. EJ, Find out where you would display her first then work from there. To build at a size you like, may not help if you can't display her. This is one of the "chicken/egg" problems that I think most of us have run into.
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