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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Looks like a consensus is forming ... I'll use the one I'm doing as practice and go for the 4" thick wood for the real deal. The new dental burs give me some really nice control compared to the sanding burs but they are slow. Or maybe it's me.
  2. Thanks Janos. Shiloh, I've glued the piece to a sacrificial chunk of wood so I can hold it and also give some strength during the process. The spears I'm thinning the thickness down to their width (they come out looking mostly round). But I'm taking off lots of wood all over. When done, I'll soak it in alcohol and remove it from the backing. I guess I'll carry on for now (unless I really cobble it) and go for what looks right. If I do cobble it, I'll go for some 4" (scale) and save some aggrevation.
  3. Mike, Google this (without the quotes) "photo etch hardware". Much of what is out there is for the RR, cars, armor, and aircraft stuff. But it will work. There's also several places that sell real honest to goodness nuts and bolts at very tine scales.
  4. There's also these rulers which have the common scales for the ships we build. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/10427-scale-ruler-from-msw-10
  5. Here's the pictures Janos. Both the carving layout and the "on ship" layout although that one is for a different ship. I've got it on scale 6" thick but I'm wondering if that's not too thick.
  6. Chuck, Like a lot of other things, you'll have to find out what works for you as there's usually more than one way to get to same goal. I've done it both ways and depending on the ship, framing, etc. I make my choice. For a POB, I plank the whole thing and then cut. For POF, I do it in bits and pieces and trim it up. Others will have their methods....
  7. Crackers, The false keel was meant to be sacrificial and coppering would have impeded it breaking loose on a grounding. I suspect they didn't worry about and also (IIRC) it was elm which was worm resistant. The false keel wasn't treenailed or spiked but used staples at the side and were angled to allow this wood to be shed. Fam, Yes, it would have covered the bottom of the keel and then the false keel laid over it. There's been some discussion of the coppering using the Vic and Constitution as photographic examples.
  8. This is a pretty off the wall question, but I thought I would ask. I also realize the answer may very well be... "depends". The main stern carvings above the window on a frigate namely. How thick would the wood be typically? The drawings give no indication of this. This is for the "Arms of France" on the Licorne, a French Frigate.
  9. 1600 grit... hit the local auto supply shop.. in the paint section. There's sandpaper all the way to (ready for this...?) 6000 grit. That last I think would have to be from a machine tool supply house as it's used in polishing.
  10. I like the jig. If it works... it's great and it looks like it worked. Jerry-rig or jury-rig... http://www.word-detective.com/2012/01/jerry-rig-jury-rig/
  11. Fam, The false keel or "shoe" as you call it, was designed such that if the ship grounded, it would protect the keel from damage. It was designed to break apart if need be. I wouldn't copper it. As for the waterline, I agree with the others. I liked the planking you did and now it will be coppered over and hidden.
  12. Those are some ambitious plans... I like it!!!! I also know that no matter what you decide, you'll do a great job. I'm glad things have calmed down around there.
  13. Hi Mehmet, It does look well used and on the verge of being sent to the scrapyard. I've not seen any pictures of the hull below the waterline so I can't say if she' not seaworthy. Maybe pull some planks off here and there and replace them with newer looking planks to give the appearance that the owner is trying to keep her in use? I'm not sure what your vision of this boat is so it's really hard to offer a judgment on if it's overdone.
  14. Hmm... the news articles are saying it "blew up". Strange.
  15. Ah...lawyers and money. Who would have thought...? I hope some sound archeological work gets done in the recovery process.
  16. I'm guessing false positive Skip. Neither Trend Micro nor Malwarebytes screamed. McAfee is known for false positives.
  17. That's excellent new, Lars Peter. Is there new website or a link? I think a lot builders would like to know what kits are available.
  18. Tony, Caulking is really a question you'll have to answer. Do some test planks using scrap (and off ship) and see what you like best.
  19. I'm looking through my notes and I'll do some more looking. Maybe... zu Mondfeld has something... or not.
  20. Thanks Glenn. I've wondered about that off and on over the years. I used to live near St. Louis and the history of steamwheelers and the exploding boilers. This subtopic got me wondering again.
  21. Let's add in that out of 600 men, probably 300 were sleeping at any given time due to the way the watches were set up.
  22. Paul, What Mike said... and I'll add "very well done". I like the color choices also. So, go splice the main brace and tell us what the next project is.
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