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I liked the work ol the rudder, the sweep of the tiller is particularly attractive. I thought your numbers were finely done, not many would have gone to the trouble. What did you use to glue the glass together.



Current Build:-

Cangarda (Steam Yacht) - Scale 1:24


Previous Builds:-


Schooner Germania (Nova) - Scale 1:36


Schooner Altair by KeithAug - Scale 1:32 - 1931


J Class Endeavour by KeithAug - Amati - Scale 1:35 - 1989 after restoration.



Other Topics

Nautical Adventures




9 hours ago, KeithAug said:



I liked the work ol the rudder, the sweep of the tiller is particularly attractive. I thought your numbers were finely done, not many would have gone to the trouble. What did you use to glue the glass together.

Thanks Keith.

I used TEC 7 transparant construction glue.DSC01845.thumb.JPG.f16a439ff83fb581839d75813876e091.JPG


If you look very close to my glass case, you see that it is not a professionally made one, but it is good for its purpose: to protect the model from dust. If ever needed, a professionally made case can always been ordered.

On 4/11/2020 at 4:57 PM, EricWilliamMarshall said:

I have to ask, what’s next?


Eric, I am presently working at the drawers for the glossary lists which will be integrated in the presentation board. Next Saturday I will report the progress on that.


Truly wonderful and inspiring work, G.L.

Can I ask a question about the display case ?

I may have overlooked, but are you using genuine glass or plexi glass ?

In either case how thick are the blades ?

Regarding the plexi variant, I was recommended by a manufacturer a minimal thickness of 6 mm ( provided the length = 1,2 m and 1 m high ) 

Kind regards




"The original always beats the copy"

(supportive statement)

2 hours ago, Barbossa said:

Truly wonderful and inspiring work, G.L.

Can I ask a question about the display case ?

I may have overlooked, but are you using genuine glass or plexi glass ?

In either case how thick are the blades ?

Regarding the plexi variant, I was recommended by a manufacturer a minimal thickness of 6 mm ( provided the length = 1,2 m and 1 m high ) 

Thank you for the compliment, Christian,

I used real glass for the case, no plexi.

The top and the two side panels are 5mm thick. The front and back panels are 3 mm thick. There is no other reason for the use of two different thicknesses than the availability of the pieces glass of sufficient size. The 5mm glass comes from an old greenhouse that I demolished in the garden. The 3mm glass from old single glass windows from the house of my late mother in law when they have been replaced by double glass windows. I had to use waste glass because the do it your self shops are closed during the Covid-19 measures.


Hi G.L. Thanks for the immediate answer, much appreciated.

The reason of my inquiry : the weight of the display could be an issue for my completed previous build.




Kind regards




"The original always beats the copy"

(supportive statement)


Hi Christian


(Geert I hope you don't mind my butting in, but I have some experience in this). I have helped make a few large acrylic (plexiglass) cases. We found that 4.5mm could make a wider case than 6mm; 6 would would start to sag in middle before the 4.5 did. 

7 hours ago, Mark Pearse said:

Hi Christian


(Geert I hope you don't mind my butting in, but I have some experience in this). I have helped make a few large acrylic (plexiglass) cases. We found that 4.5mm could make a wider case than 6mm; 6 would would start to sag in middle before the 4.5 did. 

Now problem, Mark. I would like to learn how to cut and glue plexi myself.


We used to make the glue by dissolving acrylic pieces in ethylene dichloride (I think that's it) until it was thick but could still go through a syringe (without a needle in it). You run the syringe along the joint & it soaks it up. If you get the thickness correct the glue will bridge gaps.

On 4/14/2020 at 9:36 PM, Barbossa said:

Hi G.L. Thanks for the immediate answer, much appreciated.

The reason of my inquiry : the weight of the display could be an issue for my completed previous build.




Christian, The weight of the case is indeed considerable, but I can carry the whole of model, displayboard and case alone but the size is somewhat unpractical.

Posted (edited)

The base for my drawers is a deal frame.


On that base I build two drawers. Here you see them in closed condition.


And here they are open. A stop plank at the inside prevents it from being pulled out completely. The right side of the frame is still open. There is space for a third drawer, but that is for the next chapter.


Here is the starboard drawer with a copy of the glossary list in it. The final lists will be printed on more retro looking paper and they will be covered by glass.


Now the pine frame has to be hidden by a round frame. I make that frame by gluing two quarter rounds together to a half round.


For the drawers, I mill a groove in the upper quarter round before gluing it.


The lower quarter is sawn/drilled in half with a drill clock to have a half round cut.


Then it is glued together to a half round frame.


And that is how it looks on the drawer:



Gluing the round frames around the display board.



That is how it looks with the drawer closed ...



... and open ...



... and with the dust case.



Here with the model on it.



The small brown buttons on the model are the numbers that indicate the different parts which are named in the glossary. In the front, in the middle, you see a red button. At the other side of the board is an equal green button. They indicate the port- and starboard side of the boat. I consider those two also as two important parts of the boat which should to be known by every aspirant sailor or boat builder.



Next week I will deal with the third and final chapter of this build: The encyclopedia.


Thank you for reading

Thank you to follow

Thank you for the likes

and thank you for your constructive comments,


Till next week and keep it healthy!

Edited by G.L.

Very nicely engineered base Geert.



Current Build:-

Cangarda (Steam Yacht) - Scale 1:24


Previous Builds:-


Schooner Germania (Nova) - Scale 1:36


Schooner Altair by KeithAug - Scale 1:32 - 1931


J Class Endeavour by KeithAug - Amati - Scale 1:35 - 1989 after restoration.



Other Topics

Nautical Adventures





A beautiful case for the model, Geert.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         




Thank you very much Ward, Keith, Mark, Druxey and Patrick. Thanks a lot also for all who pushed the like button.


Let's make a run the the end of this project now:


CHAPTER III: The Encyclopedia.

It would be nice that my students can name the 54 listed parts, but I am a demanding teacher, so naming the parts is not enough for me. My students must also be able to describe the parts and they have to know the function of it.

During the build of the model I kept a list in MS Excel of the different parts of the boat. I include in the list the translation of the named parts in English and in French because that are the languages of the reference works that I use most beside the Dutch. For each part I note also a detailed description of the purpose and/or the structure.

The table  in MS Excel makes it easy to sort the different components and to export the columns to other applications such as MS Word.


A third drawer in the display board is reserved for the encyclopedia. My encyclopedia will be a book, or better a booklet. The round hole in the drawer serves to lift the booklet easily out of it.


My Encyclopedia contains all the information of my Excel table an consists of three booklets of 12 pages.


I sew them together on ribbons.




On the previous pictures you can see that my encyclopedia is illustrated. Before you start to think that I have an exceptional drawing talent, I will explain how I made the drawings.
First I converted my workshop in an improvised photo studio to make some pictures of the model with a white background.






I print out the pictures and trace them over on tracing paper.




Then I ink the pencil drawing and my illustration is ready.


For those who wonder why I don't use the photos as illustration to save me the work of drawing. I Think that pen drawings fit more with the retro character of my instruction model than photos.

I finish the booklet with a cardboard cover and linen reinforcements on the back and on the corners.


The final touch is a cover with a piece of old navigation chart.


The Encyclopedia in its drawer.


A quick look inside the Encyclopedia.

The title page:


A page of the lexicon:


The translation list French - Dutch - English. There is also a translation list English - Dutch - French.


And there are also four double pages with illustrations. They make it possible to use the booklet without the model.




Here my project ends: Anatomy of a boat.

This model has been built for nostalgic reasons to the era that the ship model was a common didactic tool in maritime education.

The vessel that was the subject of my project is a small Breton mackerel cutter. A detailed practicum and construction drawings to build this model are made by Mr. Gerd Löhman and published in the book 'Apprendre le modélisme naval' of Le Chasse-Marée/ArMen. New editions of the book are out of stock, but it can currently be found on the second hand market.


The model was a real pleasure to build, a real recommendation.

I thank you all who read my log. Your interest and your encouragement gave me a positive boost. Thank you all for that.

Below some more pictures of 'The anatomy of a boat'























What an absolutely fantastic project and finish, very original and educational throughout.


Thank you for sharing, very inspirational 


You should be very proud

Finished builds are 

1/35 Endeavour's Longboat by Artesania Latina

1/36 scratch built Philadelphia Gunboat from the Smithsonian Plans


Current build is

Scratch build Boudroit's Monograph for La Jacinthe at 1/36







A model shipwright and an amateur historian are heads & tails of the same coin

current builds:

HMS Berwick 1775, 1/192 scratchbuild; a Slade 74 in the Navy Board style

Mediator sloop, 1/48 - an 18th century transport scratchbuild 

French longboat - CAF - 1/48, on hold


What a great way to teach your students. Now, they have no excuse for not knowing the vocabulary and functions of the various parts of a boat. 

You truly are a dedicated and motivating teacher and your display will get a lot of usage, I am sure.

Superb work and excellent presentation.




simply wonderful !




Lupo nero


finished models  Carrack Santa Maria by luponero - scale 1/50 - diagrams of Adametz   


models under construction Athenian triere of the 5th century B.C  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25956-athenian-triere-of-the-5th-century-bc/ 


  San Giovanni Battista 1598 by luponero - Medicean galleon  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25930-san-giovanni-battista-1598-by-luponero-medicean-galleon/                                           




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