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James H

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Posts posted by James H

  1. 23 minutes ago, yvesvidal said:

    I have had some success with Future Floor on the Bellona hull. After a few months and multiple manipulations, the copper is taking its natural course with very little tarnish.


    I do not know if you can find that chemical in the UK. Most likely.




    I do have several bottles of that stuff, but I'm thinking something that imparts an eggshell finish and is more suited specifically to copper. Future is a gloss finish, and not too much for scale.

  2. I'll do a proper update this weekend, but here's a quick phone photo of the coppered and trimmed hull.


    Other work I've been doing is finishing up the 24' cutter, painting the timberhead rails and building channels...as well as many other things. She will come together pretty quickly, but I do need to protect this copper from tarnishing.





  3. 1 hour ago, hollowneck said:

    do contact @James H and see how he can implement this tool on the site.


    That is sort of ongoing as a possible plugin. Our forum uses proprietary software, and although we can make amendments etc. these things are best done by uploading as an app/module, and not by tinkering with pages of code that aren't ours.

  4. 2 minutes ago, BobG said:

    Thanks for sharing your plans for the new models you hope are planning to develop and release in 2023. I think the American schooner Grecian will be wildly successful especially on this side of the pond. All the best in 2023! 

    Grecial sure has nice lines!

  5. 2 hours ago, Richmond said:

    HI James - I did this on someone else's log and it took ages - and was wondering at the time whether there was a possibility to print (to pdf) the complete log with 'one click' - seeing you response I am assuming that is not possible.




    No, we have nothing that can do that, or access via third-party plugins. Browsers are generally equipped to export as either a web page or PDF, and also to print whole pages you are on. It make take time over a large build log, but there's nothing we can do about that. We keep several backups of MSW at all times, and backups are made 4 times per week, into several different locations. If you feel you need to back up your build log, for whatever reason, you'll have to do this manually.

  6. 22 minutes ago, AlanDavison said:

    In response to James H’s earlier post, I thought one of the points of this site was for Chis to discuss the future and existing development of his range with member and to gauge their responses, that will inevitably end up something of a ‘wish list’, but it does help Chris to take into account modelers likes and dislikes and that in turn helps him to plan future projects which he can be confident in selling. 


    I think the point of this is that Chris has made it abundantly clear many times what his plans are with regard to his larger naval vessels (period etc), and that countless requests for ironclads and yachts, as well as the multitude of typically unknown vessels, simply won't fly. Discussion should revolve around announcements/releases etc. 

    On this note, Chris has asked me to lock this topic so he can start a fresh one. This one is currently 78 pages!

  7. ***Please note***


    Any further posts regarding chain pumps will be deleted from hereon in. It's superfluous to the discussion and serves only to derail what I'm trying to achieve here. I've even received PMs demanding to know why I removed member's posts after me needing to cull my topic (for the third time!). It must stop. Now.

  8. 49 minutes ago, yvesvidal said:

    After coppering the massive hull of the Bellona, I swear by the Copper Tape and the rivet tool (wheel). The tape is flexible enough to accommodate all the slight imperfections and you do not have to use CA glue. I taped 2400 plates after stamping them with the wheel (9600 passes). Finally, the cost of the tape is about 1/10th the price of the copper tiles.




    I must admit that the thought of running a rivet tool, freehand over the hull, would fill me with dread. If I opt to rivet the hull, I think I'll do one plate at a time with a beading tool. I'm quite used to that method for adding rivet lines to large 1:32 airframes. 

  9. 38 minutes ago, mugje said:

    Great job James! I'm coppering the Pegasus now and that's quite a job already...can't imagine the amount of work on the Indy! However...I think the copper tape works easier and faster then little plates. What's you're experience with this James?


    It certainly works faster and is more forgiving. If I get a plate slightly wrong, I can just reposition it or throw it away and add a new one. No more CA gel, but you also don't get the nail marks (if you wanted them). These can be added with a rivet tool from VM or a beading tool.

  10. The original Indy clearly shows the chain pumps fitted, but the drawings made for the razed iteration shows that other changes were made too...one of them being the chain pump omission. The guys doing these plans surely knew what they were doing, and adding the smaller pumps would've been a very unusual move and not one that would've been done without them being specifically requested. That's what the drawings show, ergo, that's how the deck is fitted out.


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