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Everything posted by ChrisLBren

  1. Hi Iran, I agree with starting over here - depending on how bad the twist was. My rear bulkhead former was slightly warped (less than 1/16th of an inch in the rear corner when placed on a piece of glass face down) At the time I couldn't get any perfect plywood as it was winter in Chicago and after so many botched attempts (I was new to the scroll saw at the time) - I settled for using it. I too thought extra formers would fix it - it never did and i spent the rest of the build compensating for it. Its not too noticeable on my hull - only from certain angles. If you look dead on my stern and its fixed perfectly perpendicular in the build board, then look at the beak head bulkhead - it lists slightly to the port and vice versa looking at the stern from the bow. You can find my log under the scratch build sections if you haven't already seen it. Chris
  2. Looks sweet Rusty - please keep us posted on your experience with the Sherline - i think thats my next must buy tool along with a Byrnes disc sander. If I can just get some time to finish up the head rails on Confederacy…..
  3. Hi Don, La Belle and the Le Gros Ventre both have full frame drawings and could be good targets for you. They could also be build POB. La Jacinthe is also a nice model - that is designed as a POB build as it doesn't have frame drawings. You could loft those if need be. You won't be disappointed with any of them. Take care, Chris
  4. Looking good - I don't mind the sheen - Im sure the flash from your camera is enhancing it ! Brings back memories from my build three years ago when I was at that stage ! Chris
  5. Hey Kevin, We are all our own worse critics - trust me - I almost gave up on my Confederacy build a half dozen times - mostly because it wasn't meeting my own perception of "perfection" Stick with the build - again I admire anyone who can build like you with plastic - lord knows I can't….. Happy holidays, Chris
  6. Looking great Mark - Happy Holidays !
  7. Looks great Rusty - i can't tell from the photo - do you have a top finish on it or not ? Ive seen the dyed used with or without - personally i like a bit of glow on my dyed wales so in my case Danish OIl Worked well as does Tung Oil. Im sure Wipe On Poly wood have a similar effect.
  8. Hi Rusty, Good luck with the Fiebings - love this stuff - just make sure to mask everything - it splatters easily. Chris
  9. Nice work Bob ! I know how tricky building those lights can be from my experience on Confederacy. Really well done
  10. Love it !!!!! The use of one wood - Pear - and iron fittings - looks spectacular !
  11. Thanks Alexandru - Ive got the Commerce de Marseille Monograph - another 3 decker - and am thinking about building her in 1/48th. Enjoying watching your build, Chris
  12. Hi Alexandru, I'm admire your work immensely - curious - how long long ago did you start your build and when do you foresee finishing ? Also will you mast and rig ? Thanks, Chris
  13. Thanks man - I'm merely imitating Bernard Frolich's approach - using boxwood, swiss pear and dyed swiss pear to resemble Ebony - all woods sourced from Hobby Mill - which I can not recommend highly enough.
  14. Thanks guys - next up the head timbers - which should be fun/challenging. I've got plenty of 1/8 costello boxwood! Then its really all down hill from there to finish her up.
  15. Rail construction continues… And everything is lining up - unbelievable !!!
  16. Looks gorgeous - I don't have the patience to bend Ebony - nice work !
  17. Beautiful carving Sherry - I would suggest simply using whatever finish you are using on the rest of your model. On my Confederacy build Im using 100 percent Tung Oil, Danish Oil and Sanding Sealer - the Tung finish gives the most glow out of the three.
  18. Thanks Chuck and Mark ! Trail board is dyed swiss pear and the humanity - thanks to you Chuck - are your resin copies painted to resemble boxwood. Now if one day I can carve as half as good as Chucks sculptures…..
  19. They arrived today - Volumes 2 and 3….. Now I can become an expert on French Naval Architecture thanks to Mr Boudriot!
  20. Thanks Bob ! Appreciate you checking in - I've always admired your work - and watching your progress on Essex.
  21. Thanks Ben - was just editing a better photo when you sent your reply. Honestly i think carving is the most important skill for scratch building - making frames and repetitive assemblies doesn't scare me with a full frame build - its being able to do justice to these gorgeous vessels with sculpture - which is what draws the eye - thats the artistry. Im feeling semi OK with carving rails/filargee - next is being able to carve humanity and not relying on Chucks beautiful resin copies painted to resemble wood.
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