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Everything posted by Moonbug

  1. Yikes! And yes, for a landlocked state CO is well represented. I'm a return visitor from before the MSW 1.0 crash and a 20 year Air Force guy trying to blend with sea fairing folk . ;-) Sorry we hijacked your thread Augie! -Bug
  2. My advice with sanding is - patience patience patience. :-) And don't give in to the temptation if using rougher sandpaper to go faster. The second layer is so thin that you really need to make sure you have what you want with the first layer because you won't be able to sand the second layer very much. When I think I'm done sanding, that's when I sand a little bit more with 600 or 1000. :-) - Bug
  3. I've been looking at some of the dollhouse porch lamps to see if I can bash or fashion something for my Santa Maria's aft. We shall see. - Bug
  4. Thanks Augie and Lawrence! Augie, I went back to look at the Syren. Hadn't seen it since the crash, and hadn't seen the ME case and cabinet. Pretty sweet. - Bug
  5. Gil, Always enjoy your builds. But I just wanted to tell you I appreciate your comments on 16 Dec (post #328) regarding why we build the ships and whom our limited audience is. Cheers. - Bug
  6. Augie - I can't even count the number of times my lovely wife has come out to my little shop, looked at me in my jeweler's specks pin filing something 6mm long and used the exact phrase "There's something wrong with you." LoL -Bug
  7. The rigging of the bombards is very basic and was relatively easy to accomplish. However, it drives me crazy when the ropes and rigging stick up further and flare more than looks realistic. Obviously this is a natural byproduct of using tiny little string instead of actual heavy rope that would lie naturally. So I tried to simulate the effect by using a couple small dabs of CA glue and positioning the rigging to look as though it has fallen naturally to the deck and along the bombard base. Here is a before and after.
  8. Great stuff. I very much appreciate the way your photos illustrate HOW you're accomplishing each piece. - Bug
  9. LoL Sjors... that's the exact problem. I am getting fewer and fewer building hours allotted to me by my lovely leisure coordinator... ;-) - Bug
  10. Jason, I once calculated the highest possible amount I could sell my San Juan for, then divided it by how long it took me to build and came up with a potential earning of something like $2 an hour... hehe. - Bug
  11. Great approach Vivian! Whenever I start to get in a hurry (particularly during the repetitive bits like ratlines etc.) I try to tell myself that if my finished build is going to last forever, the least I can do is invest an extra few minutes or even a day to get a part the way I want it. At the same time, it's also very important to me to make my own artistic liberties to get her the way I want her even if those changes may not be completely accurate. After all, they are MY ships and I'm the one that's going to see them most often. ;-) Keep having fun and I'll be following with interest! - Bug
  12. Sjors, All this is doing is perpetuating my desire to finally build one of the HMS kits. ;-) - Bug
  13. Nice work Bob. I like the treenailing method. I think the color difference turned out quite well. - Bug
  14. Nice build. Thanks for the review of the kit - always interesting to see the differences in the manufacturers. - Bug
  15. Sephirem, hope you're enjoying the world of the Santa Maria. Looking forward to watching your build. - Bug
  16. Nice work with the sails! I may be stealing a bit of this when I get to the rigging. :-) - Bug
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