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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Absolutely beautiful! It has been a true pleasure to see your progress and follow along. Le Gros Ventre is an unusual subject that we don't see too often around here so will be looking forward to that project.
  2. Exactly. Every time I see this done I think “I can do that” and every time I try to do that I think “I cannot do that” 😳
  3. I have ordered many books from them and have had a few minor issues with the electronic orders. I do not get a conformation email just after ordering. The first time this happened I ended up calling them and the order was processing correctly just not giving me a confirmation email. Since then I order and wait and it always shows up pretty quickly. It is weird not getting any confirmation but it seems to work and I always need to work on my patience. I also received a double order once and called and got it straightened out easy enough to get the extra books returned. It was easy to call them they were very nice on the phone. (Not sure how that would apply to overseas calls) I have not emailed them before so don't know how well that way works. Overall I am very appreciative that we have such a great publisher available for our hobby.
  4. I like the case. How do you like the black base? Is it too shiny? It seems to reflect quite a bit.
  5. Seems like an excellent kit with very nice packaging. Thanks for the review.
  6. Sorry been traveling last couple days and was just able to check my hardback copy and it has the same problem. Table only has 2 of the second page and not the first part.
  7. Wonderful work. Am definitely going to be using this log as a resource going forward.
  8. Looks like a very nice project. Not sure how you find enough time to keep so manny projects going but they sure look good.
  9. Your work is excellent as always. I am wondering how those long guns are served. It seems like the first shot the recoil would hit the companionway and there doesn't seem like there is enough room to reload. Glad to see someone use the grating kit. They look great.
  10. Great news! Big thanks to Sea Watch Books and Mr Friedman for continuing to publish such wonderful works. Also a big thanks to the dedication of Mr Antscherl and all the authors who work so hard to bring knowledge us.
  11. Looking forward to seeing the final stages. Your work to s impressive. It’s amazing how nice this looks compared to the stock kit.
  12. Would love to see it in person. It looks so good in pictures.
  13. Not sure about how many pages but the shop notes number two is about an inch thick. Shop notes number one is a little bit thinner.
  14. When I visited the NMM back in '07 I saw the display of his uniform and could not believe how small it was. I probably could of worn it when I was 11 or 12 but 1.69m about 5foot 5inches is now considered pretty small. It is amazing how big people have gotten since then.
  15. Another warm welcome from Ohio. It’s good to know the Columbus group is active and (reasonably) close. 😁
  16. Doesn't putting the caprail on now before sanding increase the likelihood of accidentally sanding into it while thinning out the frames?
  17. Just the thought of a modern OSHA inspector walking the decks of the time and having his/her head explode brings a smile to my face Just the food storage, prep, sanitation issues alone, not to mention upper yard work sleep/wake cycles etc..... bwahahaha
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