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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. I hope the damage isn't too bad Michael!
  2. Congratulations on completion on a beautiful job! Well done Bob! Been out of the loop here for a few days and trying to catch up.
  3. Glad to see you back in the workshop Danny! Clever jig you tooled up for gratings. I like it!
  4. Seeing them in an over-all shot, puts a better perspective on those sails Matt! Nicely done!
  5. Very nice Nenad! - It's all about the planning - AND the spice, of course!
  6. I wouldn't worry about the "purists" out there Bob. You've been doing a fantastic job on her.
  7. You're doing a great job on her Keith, and like Steve says, there's a lot of guys going through the "re-do" thing right now.
  8. Very nice! Great job on the ship's wheels, and finishing with the rest of the rigging line for the spar-deck guns!
  9. Outstanding Tom! Definitely a vast improvement over the supplied, die-cast ones.
  10. I think hardening just involves taking the "stretch" out of it by hanging the rope with weight attached to it.
  11. I'm glad you're on the mend Mike. Love the two-tone planking!
  12. A great looking wheel and gear-box Nenad! Well done!
  13. It's amazing the amount of detail you've managed to add to such a small area Patrick! Very nice!!
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