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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. They turned out great Dave. Beautiful job! Congrats. Cheers
  2. Glad you're keeping those squirrels busy Matt! Can't have them just sitting around with nothing to do. Good idea they came up with in using tick marks for tapering. Cheers
  3. Indeed a fine job on your rudder there Captain! As with the painting of the lower hinge, I would think as you do, since they probably wouldn't have painted around it, rather just painted over it. In the end, it's your decision Captain, so I would depict her as your own eye see fitting. Didn't know about a surgery. Hope it's not too serious, and good luck! Cheers
  4. Amazing job on a very interesting build. Very nice! Hope you don't mind my following along. Cheers
  5. Just watched your videos Chuck and saw you have a natural talent for teaching. I got a handle on everything you explained. Oh and by the way, I agree. ASAT's a very funny guy.
  6. Heard that myself earlier. Liked that franchise back in the day! Bummer!
  7. Sorry about the bad news about your ride Dennis. Can't stand insurance companies myself. But glad you've had a chance to make some progress. Looks great.
  8. Looks great with the masts in place Frank. Makes her look more complete.
  9. I agree with the other guys. Get a more well-known brand. You'll be happier for it. Proxxon makes a very good rotary tool, or if you're on a tighter budget, Dremel. Both are great and well known in the woodworking and modeling communities.
  10. Didn't have any intention of bringing that up any more. A lot of time and effort, that always ends with the same conclusion. Builder's choice. Besides, it's just a movie, and that was the first shot of her.
  11. Hi Keith: Been going over your build of the RW for a while now and think you're doing a great job! I admire your dedication to detail and getting things right before committing. A pure pleasure to watch! Cheers
  12. Here's a screenshot of the Acheron's stern, as seen by Russel Crowe looking through his spyglass right after receiving a broadside from her.
  13. That looks real nice Jay! Sturdy, but elegant in design. Cheers
  14. Does look a lot better in the last pic. Like the lashings shrunk a little after the cement dried. Cheers
  15. Didn't know that. Think I'll screen the movie again and take a few freeze-frame, screen-shots of the Acheron, then look for similarities.
  16. Speaking for myself John, I don't know how exactly they're supposed to look. But they look fine to me! Cheers
  17. Already starting #2 Matt? Cool! Be sure and keep extra nuts on hand so when the squirrels go to their Union Rep and ask for time and a half, you'll be ready. Cheers
  18. Some more amazing work Matt! What exactly is that kind of threading called----needle-point---crochet? Must have taken those squirrels some time to learn that. Squirrel College or something.
  19. Really beautiful work Ed. I've been finding myself looking forward to your updates more and more each time! Cheers
  20. Well, as I mentioned, in the end, it's really what you want, but yes I think with all the other nice detail on the carronade sleds, the jack-screws enhance all that very nicely. Cheers
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