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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. That's a heck of an carronade assembly-line you've got going Tom. One of the more tedious parts of the build?
  2. Congratulations Grant. You've done a beautiful job on her and you should be proud.
  3. Your hard work on the anchors paid off nicely Piet. They look as realistic as the ones on the replica that was posted. Cheers
  4. Captain - You could do it like you first said with the pin and glue, then use "battens" like Ken did for the bulwark extensions in his build, for protection from breakage until he could get planking on them?
  5. The angle looks alright Steve, but that broken timber will probably remain a weak-point, at least until the rest of the timbering is in place, and the sides and rear are planked. Don't know for sure there Captain, without actually seeing it in person, I'd have to say it's a judgement-call.
  6. Looks great Patrick! Especially considering the size! Paint will make all the difference. Is there going to be one engine on each side?
  7. Wow! The lantern is just beautiful, and a really great "finishing touch". Congratulations Frank, on doing a marvelous job on her.
  8. Nice job on the skull Matt! Are you going to fly The Jolly Roger. That flag, associated with pirates, actually originated in the 13th century with the Knights Templar flying it to invoke terror.
  9. She's looking better all the time Mark. In reference to things being hard - - my variation on another old saying is "All Good Things to Those With the Patience for It".
  10. Can you get your hands on any close-ups of the shrouds on the one in the museum Michael? I found this link to some pics you can blow up and look at their's. From what I can see, those shrouds aren't wormed, parceled, or served. http://www.modelships.de/Museums_and_replicas/Vasa-Museet-Stockholm/Photos-Vasa-ship.htm
  11. The windows look great Dennis, and I hope the wax works the way you expect.
  12. Splendid looking rudder Karl!
  13. You did a fine job on the iron-work Piet, and those are a couple of good looking anchors!
  14. I bought Chuck's serving machine quite a while back, but I haven't put mine together yet. Let us know how you like it. So far, everybody swears by it.
  15. Wow Dennis! She's coming right along! A house on a boat, and complete with raised-panel doors! Who'd have thunk it? Amazing!!
  16. Amazon's one decent place to look for drafting equipment. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dtools&field-keywords=Alvin+Drafting+Triangles
  17. Nice rope-work Michael! Looks like a perfect eye to me.
  18. Sounds like a covert operation is in order Dave. By the looks of him, you shouldn't have to worry too much about "him" blowing the whistle.
  19. Very nice Piet! Glad you got it sorted and found some "good" drill bits. Do you have a name-brand of those bits? I'll be wanting to get a set of reliable numbered bits myself in the near future! Cheers
  20. I think those pendants were used for hooking tackle to and lifting heavy objects off the deck Sjors.
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