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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. The rudder came out good Jack. Yeah - you gotta love the instruction manuals. There are some guys here that rarely use them, relying totally on the plans and reference photos though.
  2. She does look splendid Bob. The rigging makes her stand out nicely.
  3. Cool stuff Mark! Fuzzy dice also helps with getting more out of the "top-end".
  4. I think the black sets them off nicely Vince. Sure is a lot of "windows" in that hull.
  5. Nice work with the gun deck Ken, and congrats on the new additions to the family!
  6. Congratulations and Happy New Year Robb. Certainly is a milestone. Enjoy the moment!
  7. Ah!! -- Experimentation!! I like it!
  8. Happy New Year to you too Bob. Nice work on the rudder.
  9. That's a nice piece of wood for a base, and should make a beautiful finish to set her on.
  10. Hi Piet! I hope you and Gwen have a safe and Happy New Year and a great 2016!!
  11. Well stocked up myself John, since I don't go out on "amateur nights" either. I've seen the majority of people can't drive sober most of the time, let alone after drinking.
  12. Nice work Dave! She looks great with her teeth in place. Amazing carving work too! Have a safe and Happy New Year yourself!!
  13. Been quietly following this one for a while now Wes, and I must say this is definitely a unique approach, and one, I think, is a "one-of-a-kind" build. You said in the beginning, something about having the skill, or know how, to pull this off, but I would say that anybody that can accomplish what you have already, AND doing it in an unconventional way to reach the same end, is more than skilled enough to pull it off. Very nice! Hope you have a great 2016 and Happy New Year
  14. Congrats on getting her "right-side-up" Mark. Certainly a mile-stone. Very nice!
  15. Ah -- Finally found your build Mike. Hope it ain't too late to pull up a barrel out in the wings.
  16. Nice work there Captain. It appears there's a fair amount of calculation going on here, and I'll be patiently awaiting more updates!
  17. Really nice work Tom! This is sure to be one of the staples on this site for future Connie builds.
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