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Everything posted by Piet

  1. The new rudder looks exceptionally good. re the bolts, Remco demonstrated a few months ago how he simulated bolts from brass rod by using the bur as the head after roll-cutting the rod. I used very thin brass plated sewing pins that I filed down a little. However, they wont be missed by omitting them. Yup, I feel the same way on the redo's, have no qualm in doing it. Cheers,
  2. I'm catching up as well Denis, very nice work as seen in your progress pics. Cheers,
  3. Thank you Lawrence for dropping in and your very kind words. I have not abandoned the build but am still very busy with other kinds of work. Yes, the yard work seems to be taking more time then anticipated. Am also helping my dear neighbor with her driveway and a water leak in her lawn sprinkler system. The town took a 4 X 4 foot piece of concrete out of her driveway to fix the sewer drain pipe but are not replacing the cement. So, I offered to do that for her. I bought nine 80 pound bags of quick-crete to make the patch. There is of course a lot of additional prep work to do before mixing and pouring the concrete.. So, for the next few days I'll be busy with that. Gwen had to drive up north last week to assist our daughter who is recuperating from a lower back injury but will be driving home this coming Wednesday. Needles to say, I had to do house work, laundry, etc and am cooking a few dinners for her so she can recoup from that long drive - 900 miles! I'll be back at the bench soon, I hope Cheers to all,
  4. Hello Patrick, just caught up myself with the progress you have made. Fantastic work and it surely inspires me to try my hand at something small, someday. Cheers,
  5. Very nice work on the crows feet Sjors or should I say euphroe? And you are asking an old Vlaardinger to tell you what euphroe means or where it comes from? Hey I barely passed my Dutch language lessons when in the Dutch school system and failed English, French and German. However, well like with all foreign words to the English speakers they also messed up with the Middle Dutch word "joncfrouwe," meaning "young female" but can also be a youngish unmarried woman. Middle Dutch is from the era of the mid to late 18th century to the early to mid 19th century. English and especially nautical English was a bit different from today's English, as is Dutch. Sorry folks but I have been studying Old and Middle Dutch for other reasons and find it all very fascinating. Cheers, Piet the Old Vlaardinger and
  6. I like version 2 very much but do like the dome on version 1, looks like the dome on some of the old Florentine cathedrals. Nice work Dave. Cheers,
  7. A brave decision, a bold decision but a wise decision. Your redo will be perfect, making the model perfect. Most, if not all of us had to go through a redo or two or more and those who haven't experienced it yet, will. Cheers,
  8. I can't speak, just grunt and gargle because my jaw is on the floor. Nice going Denis. Cheers,
  9. Very nicely done on the canvas railing Denis. Doors and windows looking great and also good info on materials. I have made a note of it, one never knows when it's needed. Cheers,
  10. Lovely job on the planking Mobbsie and what a nice touch on the waterline, outstanding. Cheers,
  11. WOW Denis, what can I add to all the great comments. Just to say, what a marvelous piece of work. Cheers,
  12. Spectacular looking wheelhouse with steering wheel Nenad. Looks just fine there on the aft deck. Cheers,
  13. Great job on the wooden cannonade JesseLee, perfection. Give Sawdust Dave a PM and ask him for assistance on mold making and casting. Hobby lobby and any arts and crafts store have these kits in stock and are rather inexpensive. On the other hand though, making them from wood is a fun thing to do, hmmm, I'm smiling as I say that After a few you'll get the hang of it and can turn them out in a hurry. Satisfaction of a job well done is worth it's weight in gold. Keep plugging at it my friend, you are now in the scratch build world. Cheers,
  14. Nice serving machine Sjors, and nice stays and nice shrouds, and nice everything! It's all much too complicated for me but an enjoyment to watch. Cheers,
  15. Very nice coppering job Robin. There are a few suggestions around on MSW about weathering the copper. Worth a search for it. Cheers,
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