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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Hang in there, brother. The average Joe won't know you re-did the rudder, but deep in your soul, you'll know, even five years from now.
  2. Frank, as another Yank with Irish grandparents, I'd like to follow along. Those folks were from County Cork.
  3. Druxey, your millwork looks as good as the beautiful work done by Norm Abram, of This Old House and New Yankee Workshop, in 1 to 1 scale.
  4. Jack, signing in for more fun. I'll join Mark in the back row and sit on a pile of rope lying back there. Yikes, those plans are most definitely cluttered. What a mess.
  5. Jesse, your carronades turned out great. Cap'n Steve's template will help keep those consistent.
  6. Jim, I presume you've been all over the official HMS Hood website. http://hmshood.com And the AOTS Hood is good, too.
  7. Elijah, you may want to add some insurance for the baby gate by storing tools in places the baby can't open. Same for your project. Stash in latched closets and cabinets. Should slow the wee one down. If those fail, may have to elevate things to the tops of cupboards and cabinets. Have fun on your vacation, padawan.
  8. Matt, your sails are so-o-o beat! Like the Cap'n said; what's the other guy look like? Well done!
  9. Oh, you were one of the blokes hanging around the ends of the runways on the weekends, in the UK, back in the 70's and 80's, eh? We wondered what y'all were up to. Finally talked to a fellow in a pub one night, in I think Huntington, who told us what was happening. Just more aircraft fanatics. Glad you found your mojo; mine took a hiatus for a while, too. Let's do it.
  10. Those stacks are tiny jewels, Greg. And very nice work applying the myriad details.
  11. Gerhard, your metal work is outstanding. I'd like to follow along with your build, too.
  12. Choctaw was a conversion and pretty active in the mid- Mississippi River from just before Vicksburg in 1863 thru the end of hostilities in 1865. She took part in the largely futile Red River expedition in March - May 1864. She was 270' long and 69' wide, with a draft of 8'. Pretty heavily armed with 3 x 11" Dahlgen smooth-bores, 2 x 30# Parrot rifles and 2 x 24#. Her 1-2" armor was supposedly laid over India rubber. Choctaw was said to be able to make 2 knots heading up river. Speedy it was not!
  13. Patrick, thanks for asking. I put it on hold until I can cut better looking curves in flay sheets of paper and card. Bounty launch is back on the front burner.
  14. Bryan, intriguing build you have started. I too would like to follow along. The detailing sounds like something I'd like to delve into. Lead on!
  15. Best of luck with getting the remaining issues, Jim. And also with your build. HMS Hood was a beautiful ship. I, too, will follow along.
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