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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Very nice staining job on the basswood, Ken. And your coppering test looks good; I like number 3 also.
  2. Ken, I've used the pre-conditioner on pine and basswood. Stain within 2 hours, if I remember the instructions. The pre-conditioner seemed to help keep the stain even. Like everything, test on some scrap of the wood you're using.
  3. Jack, the blue looks good - a new sail maybe. The red needs more intensity, but it does look like an overly faded ancient red sail. Try some crimson, maybe?
  4. Mark, I put it out for general use by anyone who is trying to glaze small windows, as an alternative to the MM stuff. I didn't see it in the current MM catalog, but it may be on the website. Keep on truckin' with what you're doing. I am fascinated by the POF Hahn construction. Some day I may do one.
  5. Are all the boats of that class configured that way or just the boats from one particular port or region, say all Normandy boats? Or just that boat?
  6. Bill, your attention to those details is outstanding. Scratch built chain - WOW.
  7. Thank you Bug, for taking on an awesome responsibility. I know you will do it right. And I bet Augie is looking down now and smiling at this.
  8. Jack, sails look good. And how'd you like the Hypo cement? I know it's pretty useful with clear plastic, but I guess it does a good job to use it on the pole lashings.
  9. Mark, if I may add something. Check in a well stocked hobby shop for Microscale Decals Micro Kristal Klear. It can be used on windows up to about a quarter inch. In a pinch, some have used it as a glue for clear plastic, since CA tends to fog up clear plastic. Sells in a 1 ounce bottle.
  10. Congratulations, Grant! She's a beauty. And your display case looks excellent, too. Outstanding work.
  11. Sean, the framing and aft deck look good. Wrapping the piece around the mug was great. I've use various tin cans to do the same. Overbend them; the wood tends to spring back to close enough to the curve you need.
  12. I like Cathead's solution more than drilling a hole. And like George says, the rest of the timbering goes on and strengthens the whole she-bang. All were goodly up until the time whence we didst taketh to re-designing the track lay-out. Something went awry, and one car didst becometh stationary and most uncompetitive !! Reasoning, even at this tender age, that there be no mains power, Our Hero decides to test the voltage … by applying his tongue across the metal bits of a section of track. Crouched o’er the track and with his tongue in contact with the rails of the track, he signals to his beloved younger brother: “Juth a wee bid, bruvva-deareth”, he were to utter. “What ??” asked his beloved younger brother, as he plunged the plunger on the controller to its’ full-plungeable depth. “GAAAAAAAAAAahhhhhhh !!” were CaptainSteve heard to reply-eth. :D :D :D Sorry, Cap'n I just can't help meself. Methinks we all hath committed such acts in days of yore.
  13. Sean, I'll grab a seat to follow along. And I've brought some popcorn, too. We all seem to get photos jumbled, so I try to always use the Review Post button when I compose a reply with pictures with the full editor screen. That way if the order of layout isn't to my liking, I can adjust it. Hang in there!
  14. Brush or air brush to apply? I know what it is, but I've never used it.
  15. Hi Ken, your work is outstanding. Some questions for you. How was the wood affected with the water-based stain? Did it seem to warp at all? I used some similar stain on sheet stock and had to go back and add bracing to flatten it.
  16. Tim, your overall procedures look good. The Tamiya tape should peel off OK, it's not a high tack tape. How did that come off the hull. If it peeled off alright, you shouldn't have any peeling issues, since the primer is doing it's job. Have fun finishing the paint. The deck color is darker than the verticals. The real stuff has almost a sandy feel to it, since it's meant to be a non skid surface.
  17. Keith, I had a similar Spanish dish at Casa Bottim's in Madrid. Needed a hammer to crack the clay, but a most aromatic chicken dish. MMMM! As far as salt dough, must be an inexpensive modeling clay-like concoction. Around here, I think they bake it to hold it's shape.
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